Change auto sprint to delayed, and use the control layout of Bumper Jumper Pilot. You will never go back!
Change auto sprint to delayed, and use the control layout of Bumper Jumper Pilot. You will never go back!
What about for Xbox 360? I hope we get all the updates the other two versions get. I don't want another Payday 2 incident...
I'm not always at home. And even when I am at home, it's much easier to whip out my phone and take a look at Kotaku while doing something else than boot up my laptop and check it out.
Why not just make it so there's like, an 18+ only room? People will find a way to do the nasty in front of a camera if they want (just do a search for "adult cams" on Google if you want to see all the websites dedicated to that), so why not just contain it all in one area that children can't access, and that'll keep…
Oh God I hate that. It takes me like ten minutes to write a sentence. Why can't they fix this already? It's been going on for over a year!
[Click "expand" on the image to see a bigger version.]
There's no way millions will buy a WiiU for one game, even if it's Mario Kart.
Yeah, but OP said "no return of coop". Also, Resistance 2's coop didn't last long, since there weren't very many levels. At least Resistance 3's coop lasted more than 3 or 4 hours.
Resistance 3 had coop through the entire campaign.
Wait even the coop won't be playable online? The fuck. I just had to buy an online pass for the game like a month ago to play it. The least they could've done was made that free.
I was jst about to post how I saw this on Facebook like, a year ago.
What's the point of crouching in a fast paced game like AvP? I mean, yeah it's weird not to have in a game, but I never missed it much because you can't really hide as a marine. Alien's can see you through walls, and Predator's have their heat vision.
This just makes me want another AvP. Personally I thought Rebellion's newest one was pretty good, especially after learning how balanced the MP was with counters and whatnot. I'd like to see them have another shot at it and fix the issues everyone had with AvP3.
100% agreed. Absolutely stupid of Nintendo. Do they not want more money or something?
I have a 3DS, Nintendo. Put this game on there. Seriously, why not?
Damn, I love this guy and he was the main reason I kept watching G4 and started watching Rev3.
I don't get how this was funny, but okay.
Yes, because it's a fun game, and a really good stealth game.
The first ten minutes is a tutorial, genius.