iBoba Fett

What I hate is that these games are only available on phones, not on Xbox Live Arcade, PSN, or especially Vita. A lot of Gameloft's games would be perfect for Vita.. I despise playing games with touch screen controls, like with Rockstar's GTA games on iOS/Android, but again, not on Vita where it would control ten

I have an "i" in front of my name because it's the only variation I could get on Xbox Live long ago, and the "i" doesn't stand out like "xXx420xXx" like most people would do when some thing's not available.

Oh look, no Android release. What a surprise.

But the graphics! rabblerabblerabble

Thanks for taking the time out of your busy Titanfall-filled day to click an article you have no interest in just to tell us how much you hate Call of Duty.

Ugh, it charges you when you place the order, not when it ships. I friggin' hate that so much. Too bad Bethesda isn't letting other retailers like Amazon sell this.

I love this game, it's incredibly addicting on my Vita! Any word on if this will be cross-buy?

You didn't like the graffiti side missions? I actually love them, I love how clever they were by having you hold the controller sideways and press the trigger with your index finger. It feels good, and it even makes the shaking sound when you shake the controller (which also re-calibrates the aiming reticule)!

Well that's what I meant. I'm pretty sure we had a few other (mainly sci-fi) games with recharging shields before Halo: CE, but recharging health didn't get popular till after Halo 2.

It was Halo 2 that introduced the recharging health thing for future Halo games. Halo: CE still had health packs! I remember scavenging for health packs during the last few levels like a mad man.

Best part was having the carbine! Such a cool gun, I love the reload "pop" sound.

You don't even have to go on the website, at least for most Android phones. They have the option to block numbers under settings, and even if your phone doesn't have it, there's a million apps out there that can do it for you.

The Gamestop coupon "PAYPAL15" isn't working for me. Does it not apply to used games on the website?

Yeah, that window is pretty cool.

Still waiting for a Vita release :(

I'm really hoping they have a reference to "the worm guy" in the new Godzilla.

I want another Unreal. Like, the single player game that first came out and got a disappointing sequel that had pretty cool multiplayer. Not UT. Though I would like another UT too, just as long as it's less like the newest one. Blah.

I know it's the cool thing to hate on this guy, but I enjoy his videos. I used to watch him a lot, but moved on to others like Markiplier and Two Best Friends, but PewDiePie is still fun to watch occasionally. His hardcore fans (and haters) however are really annoying...

Well since everyone seems to be hating on it, I personally think it looks kinda sexy and I like it.

Yeah, when I explain the game to friends, I basically call it a side scrolling RPG focused on exploring caves and fighting bosses, with a light focus on building and crafting.