Erm, I take it you can't put these on a toilet that would be "used" in the future? I'd imagine the decals would fall off with the water...
Erm, I take it you can't put these on a toilet that would be "used" in the future? I'd imagine the decals would fall off with the water...
They're doing a deal this month though where if you buy a 3DS (or XL/2DS) and buy one game from a certain list (Animal Crossing, Mario Kart 7, etc.) you get Pokemon X or Y for free! I'm doing that when I get paid :)
No, the reason anyone is making a big deal about this is because they're saying it like it's being given out of kindness. Private matches shouldn't be an extra. They're not some complicated DLC or anything.
Oh how generous of them! Private matches for FREE? Never had a game do that!
Oh man, I won't spoil anything, but I was thoroughly creeped out during one area. Especially since I'm going on a "no-kills/knockouts" playthrough, I don't want any confrontations!
The only DLC that added content was the Bank Heist. I have it, but haven't started the heist yet. I'm waiting till I'm further into the game. So no, DLC hasn't changed my playtime so far.
I need to play the first LoS, but I hear the new one is good! Reviews, as usual, gave it mediocre reviews, but a few of my friends who loved the first LoS really enjoyed the new one.
Agreed. I'm ELEVEN hours into it and only at Chapter 4. There's so much to do, between side quests and exploring, and I'm having a blast doing it.
It's bad, but with all the patches they released on PC it got a bit better. It's worth $2. The Bug Hunt DLC was the best thing to come out of the entire game though. Wish the rest of the game felt like that mode did.
Yes. It says in big letters that the game is still in development when you go to the Steam store page.
Well Captain Obvious, it IS in early beta still.
Your Amazon link to the 700 Blu-ray sale is broken. On my phone and it keeps redirecting me to Amazon's homepage. I tried desktop mode as well!
Same for me. Plus, look at all those glorious difficulty options! That should please the Thief fanboys who whined this game would be too easy, right? Probably not, they'll find something else to hate on, but whatever. I'm excited to play this after work tomorrow!
They made the animations much sexier in 2025!
I don't understand why people are saying that in reviews. I have it on 360 (I do hear the PS3 version is pretty badly optimized) and it's installed to my hard drive. I'm at level 22 of 85 and can rarely tell the game is dropping below the high 20's. It feels smoother than 2017, that's for sure.
First thing I immediately thought of!
"Awsome" indeed!
It had multiplayer. It just wasn't as good as Enemy Territory.
Hahahaha oh my god I wasn't expecting that.