iBoba Fett

Schoolgirls? In a Japanese game? With zombies in it? Wow, I've never heard of any of those combinations before..

Not into the MLP thing, but I've always thought the human versions fanart can sometimes be pretty cute. I would give the show a chance if it looked like this.

Beefcake, yo.


Aw :(

Oh man, I love Chromehounds. I unfortunately missed out on the multiplayer though, since the servers were stupidly shut down. :(

This was beautiful.

Yeah it's the same price on Amazon, which is why I am deciding between these two. They're like almost the same price. :)

Wait, that's a typo right? $20? O_o And was it the Golden Zelda one? Because that thing is so smexy..

Wait, that's a typo right? $20? O_o And was it the Golden Zelda one? Because that thing is so smexy..

A little random, but if I were to get a 3DS XL soon (I need me my Animal Crossing, yo.) should I get the Mario & Luigi Double Team limited edition or just the Red/Black colored one? I'm wondering if the Double Team 3DS XL is really common, and if dirt/smudges might show up on one more than the other...

Yeah it's really cool on consoles, but on PC it's the devil himself.

The fuck did you just have me watch?

Well, whatever, I think she looks really cute with the short hair.

I already own it on 360, so I don't plan to buy this on PC till way further down the road when it's cheap, but I'm surprised all the PC gamers are still gladly ready to hand over to Rockstar all their monies for how they've treated them. It's been months now with no confirmation if it'll even come out, and they skip

It's so catchy! puts on tinfoil hat and continues dancing

Aw man, yeah I know :c

What's up with all the 80's/90's music on this discussion being stuff I secretly listen to a bunch? I swear, if someone posts the Neverending Story theme song I'm gonna pull out my tinfoil hat..

Is it a good or bad thing that I knew what video that was without clicking?

Of course it's fake and scripted.