iBoba Fett

The game only got one patch, but I've honestly had the game lock up on me maybe three or four times. I know I've heard people complain, but yeah I never had that issue thankfully.

It's alright, I enjoyed playing co-op through the game, but Riptide was a lot better.

I'm pretty sure that doesn't work.

Whatever you say.

You won't be disappointed with Super Motherload! Such an addicting game! I've spent so many hours playing it, more so than any other game on my PS4 (other than Don't Starve).

It says it in the first five seconds of the video. 8 player Dukematch and co-op.

Oh my lordy, thank you! I wasn't sure if it'd have co-op but man, now I REALLY can't wait! I saw at the end of December they tweeted that the guys porting it announced it was "nearly finished" so hopefully that means in the next month or so :)

Yes! Online co-op! That was the best part about Duke 3D on XBLA! I really hope the Vita release will have online multiplayer too! Any news on that Vita release, btw?

Agreed. I waited 16 years to play it, as DN3D was the first game I ever sat down and played through, and sure DNF was pretty disappointing for such a long wait, but I had fun going through the campaign. Plus, the multiplayer was well done. Unfortunately it was really laggy and no one ever played it. I hear the single

Hopefully minus the horrible constant need to load for ten to fifteen seconds.

The video is better, but that guy is kind of annoying.

Wait, what? I thought Gears of War was already owned by Microsoft? The series has always been exclusive to Xbox 360..? Well, and I think only the first Gears was on PC as well, but that was the ever so lovely GFWL so I think that would still fit in here..

Someone sounds a little cranky.

Ah. Well I didn't know that, but I doubt I'll reach the cap any day soon. I usually play Firefall and SWG the most.

It has a free to play option. You don't have to pay until you reach a certain level. Since I don't play it often, I haven't reached that limit, and even if I did I can just stay at that max level or make a new character.

Plenty of GOOD F2P MMO's have proved they can run servers free with all of their money being made from cosmetics.

I'd like to get into the Final Fantasy series, hence why I've preordered the XI/XI-2 HD release, but I can't afford to pay for a non-free MMO. I don't play MMO's very often, and when I do, I play free ones like SWGemu, Firefall, WoW, and GW2. With all those options, I don't see a reason to get on another MMO unless

I am already paying for PS+ though, so if there isn't some deal for Plus members, I'll probably end up just skipping it.

That may be so, but for myself I'm content with SWGemu, Firefall, World of Warcraft, and GW2. I don't play MMO's often, so I haven't hit the f2p limit with WoW.

It has a monthly fee though, right? If so, then nope. Not gonna pay for online as well as a monthly fee for an MMO when I've got plenty of free ones on PC.