Stick to sparks
Stick to sparks
I was really really really into the Dodge Demon concept when that was released in the mid-2000s. Looked like it could have been an affordable Miata competitor at the time.
You should probably move out of Cleveland, but I’m guessing you’re under the poverty line if that’s your scenery. God bless.
Needs more dually extended vans, they hurt to look at.
Our neighbors parents had one of these. Each kid got there own row. So when it came time for learning how to drive this is what he did it on. Parralel parking is a challenge but they do come with good mirrors and easy to see rear corners.
I don’t know if these are common nationwide or just regionally, but the best hot dogs with out a doubt for me are from the guy selling them outside of a home depot or lowes. Usually have some mexican flair like pico as an option, but ooo so good.
Andrew had official left Jalopnik on Friday. Today, an article appeared with Andrews name....
Don’t forget about the Mustang Transit Connect!
Sheldon: “Is sexual activity mandatory after a prom?”
What’s stopping us!? Vans are aplenty! #toomanyvans
/cracks open a beer
My car has 52 HP, Aaron.
Astroid. I’d buy a baja van.
Help I plugged my phone into an CCS charger and now everything is on fire
When they see a tight parking spot they can just fit into with crab mode....
Typically you don’t get the crabs from just a Hummer
Transit-Raptor is definitely on by to-do list.
You fuck it, like a proud, non-bracelet-wearing man.