6 is referring to those “artisan flatbreads” that places are now introducing. Panera has one and it’s garbage in my opinion
6 is referring to those “artisan flatbreads” that places are now introducing. Panera has one and it’s garbage in my opinion
It’s the thick dough for me. When it’s majority crust/dough, it’s too filling no matter how many sauces or seasonings you lather on that crust.
I’m having trouble taking your ranking seriously while you are complimenting St. Louis pizza in the same post. If I wanted a cheap frozen pizza, I’d just get Jacks.
Michigan with their football cookies.
Detroit style ranks second to last on my pizza style rankings.
Only if you can cook MCs like a pound of bacon
Can confirm:
Not a ton, really. I run in the stock FWD class of SCCA RallyCross, so I can’t do much to it performance-wise. Summer wheels are early gen Taurus SHO slicer wheels on Pirelli P7 all seasons, winter/”race” tires (above) are Sparco Terra on Sumitomo Ice Edge winter tires. 5mm wheel spacers on all four corners to clear…
I’d take over Ford just to send all the vans Europe gets to the states.
Exactly. People can hate the color, or the choice of vehicle, or the three spoke wheels (I love all of it BTW). But in the end, it’s YOUR vehicle. You do what you want with it. Which is why I love cars so much. The flexibility to make your vehicle your own is limitless. I got a lot of questions when I bought a used…
As LongVoyager (resident Caravan/Voyager expert) has said, this can be done for a lot less than $6k. But idiot me sees the white wheels, spoiler, turbo, and a stick on a VAN, and would gladly pay $6k for it. Reminds me a lot of what I drive now, sans the snail and the stick. A Focus ST powertrain swap would be perfect…
Fun fact: those wheels fit on a Transit Connect*
Good point on the 120V. In response to your cross-country point. That’s what I hope this implementation of half a million chargers will provide. I’ll drive 300 miles one way about once a month. Have stopped at a variety of exits for gas, bathroom, food, etc. and have seen very little charging stations. I’m sure there…
Every car I owned on NFS Underground 2 had em. Why the heck not?!
These are all great points, especially regarding daily regular use. But like you said, charging stations aren’t plentiful enough for some living situations: renting, apartments, street parking. I currently rent, and there is actually a clause in the lease forbidding use any “high voltage appliances” including welders…
For the record, I didn’t say I WONT buy an EV until the charging infrastructure improves. I said I won’t see it as recreational transportation until that happens. I just don’t want to have to buy an EV if this works. EVs are still a niche market in my eyes. Few are able to operate them in their regular day; fewer can…
Now I want in on this joke
It’s so German
Easier solution: make all doors sliding.