I’m still in the threads over there responding! Fuck, if only minorities had the luxury of cherry-picking their perfect candidate.
I’m still in the threads over there responding! Fuck, if only minorities had the luxury of cherry-picking their perfect candidate.
This is all true.
You’re really going to go down the rabbit hole of inconsistencies and contradictions in the English language?
Hey let the man eat what he wants. Let him eat all that shitty fast food that inches that bag of lubed dildos ever closer to being dead.
Same. The NPC revolution is nigh.
Nostalgia could never replace the things I actually did love about classic WoW....the wonder of everything, stepping into Ironforge for the first time, getting minimal insight from Allakhazam and Thottbot, not to mention experiencing it with everyone else who were also completely new to not just the game, but also the…
I don’t really watch streamers, but still thought Disguised Toast seemed like a pretty nice dude. I suppose that has more to do with his willingness to get tased by Michael Reeves.
There’d better be a Guchokipanya! Oh and a bar modeled after the Hotel Adriano for thirsty adults.
Ah, sex is like the threat of bee stings. Thanks for clearing that up.
You don’t think the fact that you see sex and gun violence as contrasting topics of parity a bit disturbing? Where one results in pregnancy and the other actual death? Maybe we see societal issues differently then.
The fact that those are the two things you’d compare and contrast are what frighten me about this country.
Sure, but by and large it’s still censored. Meanwhile I can watch people get their upper torsos bitten off by titans, or exploded into a fine mist, or any number of limbs removed in a shower of blood.
It’s a fun show, and to be honest, has a relatively high level of quality. That being said, it’s always going to baffle me why guns and violence and outright gore are hunky-dory for the wider audience, but implied sex continues to be off-limits.
I’ve never played Hearthstone, but I do like Overwatch. As for older properties...if you were to ask me what I most wanted, I’d want WoW2 with action combat. Warcraft with combat like Tera, BD, or BnS would bring me back in a heartbeat.
I can see that perspective. Per the future of Blizzard, my personal opinion is that they need to get as far away from Activision as possible. Or at the least, Activision needs better leadership than Bobby Kotick.
Fair point. I wonder then if what they showed was what they wanted to do, then were reined in by Activision.
It’s a remaster; I expected at most a graphical update. Personally, I would rather they focus their resources on new projects rather than remastering older games. But that’s just my opinion.
Eizouken has been by far the best anime I’ve seen this season, maybe the best in a number of seasons. Also, I really want to watch an anime series based entirely in the world they’re creating. Like a side story or a spin-off or something.
Ha well they have a full-sized Unicorn, and they’re about to get an RX-7 that walks. Where can they go but a full-sized Eva?? Just kidding, maybe I wouldn’t mind seeing a Patlabor that you could actually sit inside of with a fully functioning cockpit. Or if they want to start small with the Eva, maybe just the upper…