Prior to the arrest Kelly was involved in physical altercations with a guest at Von Miller’s party.
Prior to the arrest Kelly was involved in physical altercations with a guest at Von Miller’s party.
Yeah, Simmons was great back when Page 2 was still yellow. But his writing has long since reached the “sign for the veteran’s minimum” stage of its decline.
Woah, this is a bridge too far. White Men Can’t Jump is a cinematic masterpiece. And I feel like you haven’t watched this movie lately - Gloria not only was interested in Jeopardy, she spent all day every day studying so that she could win when she went on the show. And she didn’t get on the show out of pure chance,…
Next week on Hannah Is A Downer: ‘Ratatouille’ Is A Joyful Rejection Of Basic Hygiene
what is a quince
Beyoncé is to Coachella, well, what Beyoncé is to Coachella - another performer another paycheck.
I literally can’t remember the last time I read a root article and the top comment didn’t awkwardly attempt to rip on white people.
The festival and its crowd honestly did not deserve the elevation
Look at it from Aldon’s perspective-
they will keep him on the roster next year
Clip didn’t show the overweight security guard chasing him.
I do not claim a degree I have one.
Also, I’m not getting into what Gawker did in the past. Holding the female employees of a feminist blog responsible for the actions of men is some low down base bullshit.
Ok you need some help and maybe some less time on infowars.
Wow, Black Francis really let himself go.
“I learned to read!”
And here I thought that Marchessault was an attempt by MMA to compete with the NCAA Basketball Tournament.
Math > Meth
You seriously think that was dirty? What else was Stewart supposed to do after Cooper dropped his head down to the level of Stewart’s elbow? But then again, you think PI is an indication a team is playing dirty so it is pretty clear you have no clue what you are talking about.