*Jokesters in jalopies*
Biathalon is ridiculously athletic. Competitors regularly collapse at the finish line. Its like a marathon that requires you stop, bring your breathing and heart rate down to calm in order to shoot a target, then take off to the next one. The writer failed to mention that they typically have to ski for 12 miles.
Great video. Avid football fan and gamer.. found your level design/defense analogy pretty hilarious and insightful. Waiting for the follow up where you explain defensive packages, audibles, and the catch rule. :P
I wouldn’t say it has a punk vibe so much as it is a punk song.
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume you’re not in America.
Find/replace “the office” with “blazing saddles”
Worth noting that the Leadville 100 is run between 9000 and 12000 ft. It’s no joke.
ok after some googling, they were FLAVOR RUSH, but who cares, you know that rush needed to be blasted.
FLAVORBLAST sour cream & onion ruffles were the fuckin BOMB. lived off those in college.
I only played it on mobile and thought it was a good game
Is that you Jeff?
Cups are a bit of a liability. Might hurt more, but no cup = no genital mutilation
Hey, this is the internet. There’s no place for civility here.
If magic leap showed an actual valuable use case for this, it would be lost on the snapchat generation. Dancing elephant? sold. Efficiently repaired furnace on a cold morning? pfft, who cares.
And my comment won’t get approved because it disagrees with author. :/
I’ll be that guy. There is a very viable market for this, and it’s the service industry. Particularly now that large equipment like office building AC/furnace, copiers, etc. are being rented as a service rather that bought as a product... the manufacturer is now responsible for the service. Having goofy goggles like…
He didn’t start this week.
took me a few replays of it before i noticed the leg just flop when he spins around. hopefully it was just a tib/fib break rather than a knee or ankle demolition
Thankfully I don’t watch football. I’m totally content watching NASCAR games on my talking picture box.