Some things can’t be corrected by smoking mass amounts of crack. Your original statement being one of them.
Some things can’t be corrected by smoking mass amounts of crack. Your original statement being one of them.
Jones? Ortiz? Silva?
Are any of the drugs he listed (regardless of if he’s actually taken them in the last 10yr) actually opiates?
you know damn well ZMF wears velcro and sweatpants.
Greg Hardy’s GF was asking for it. Did you see the way she was dressed? That nug of weed did not consent to Josh burning it with fire.
Don’t use logic and basic math around here, we’re cooking!
The back of Brady’s tux did not have a cobra, only the words “SERVICE DOG, DO NOT PET”
Ricky Williams had a kickass cover letter but was ultimately passed over. To the left hand side.
Men can only have positive opinions about women. Else, sexist. #equality
Drew, you had a chance to mention ZODIACMF. You failed me and everyone else. I guess to return the favor, I finished your book while in the galapagos last week and failed to take a pic of it on the beach for some of those twitter RTs. We’re even.
I just watched the interrogation scene on youtube... what didn’t age well about it? I saw it from “i’m going to kill you soon...” did something happen prior to that?
it happened on private property
Aziz was cast as Balki in Master of None’s episode about remaking perfect strangers
where are you getting your sushi? grocery store deli?
Yes. If you own only one wing for example, you can even still buy the others after they cycle out
yes, the plan all along was to retire sylv for that sweet dust profit. /s /retard
“ My guess is he is supressing the hatred and let it slip” ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!? I hate it when my hatred, ever so neatly and quietly tucked away, slips out. Talk about a fucking leap
ssshhhhh, i just got my pitchfork sharpened cuz i didn’t understand the joke
Thank you for catching the reference. My hair just doesn’t look right
It was great until 1:40 then i pissed myself and forgot my name