For as much of a rusted box as Project POStal is, I’ll be damned if it’s not photogenic in those pics.
That demolished blue Mustang, though, makes me quite sad.
For as much of a rusted box as Project POStal is, I’ll be damned if it’s not photogenic in those pics.
That demolished blue Mustang, though, makes me quite sad.
I’m curious as to the granularity of the data gathering. For example, I am very anti-phone usage when driving, due to some frightening near-collisions and some actual wrecks. However, I technically “use” my phone on my drive home every day.
I live about 35 minutes from my workplace. On the drive to work in the morning,…
I get why manufacturers go for non-standard door types on concept cars like the HabaNiro’s butterfly doors, but all I keep thinking is they weren’t designed for the parking lots in the area where I live. I watch gifs and videos of butterfly and gull-wing doors opening, and all I can see are the dings and scratches…
I’m still pissed at Ford for their plans to drop any model outside of SUVs, trucks, crossovers, and the Mustang in the North American market, but damn, if that illuminated Mustang logo doesn’t look sharp
What do you want Ford and VW to work together on?
I swear, James will never stop being something of an idiot.
I feel you, brother. I’m this way with peaches and pineapple. I even have a fully legit reason for the hate: food poisoning from a bad fruit cup when I was a kid. Have a fruit cup, feel like your stomach tried to turn itself inside out, then see if you want to have anything in that fruit cup ever again.
C-V2X vs. DSRC. This is going to be Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD all over again, isn’t it?
Unless and until someone comes up with better battery technology using different materials, this sounds like a strong possibility.
Exactly. I’ve been in more than my fair share of wrecks, with some fairly devastating injuries involved, so safety ratings are higher on my considerations list that maybe they once were. That being said, the safest vehicle in the world can’t completely protect you from other people being dumb.
There used to be, of all things, a Hello Kitty Smart Fortwo in this area, though I haven’t seen it in a while. And I agree, I don’t understand it either.
Yes, they’ve been dynamically great, and done exactly what they need to do, but as the original Focus upped Ford’s game, others evolved to match. Is this new one going to steal the breath of countless drivers? Or is it merely “a car”?
I can’t unsee that now
I forgot to throw this in: we were involved with an 8-month long lawsuit with not only the Silverado driver’s insurance company, but our own. This was due to both insurance companies either misunderstanding or misreading the police report and listing me being the driver at fault, even though the kid in the truck…
I had left work early to go get my taxes done. The route I took into the town I live in isn’t one that I normally would take, but it was the most direct route to my accountant’s office. On the south end of town is a 4-lane highway. I was in the outside westbound lane. There are 4 intersections where city streets…
Okay, Torch, since you put this idea-worm into my head, I’m going to give you one that has plagued me for a long time:
Imagine the original Star Wars, now known as “Episode IV: A New Hope”. Now imagine if the role of Obi-Wan Kenobi was played by Christopher Walken instead of Sir Alec Guinness.
One of my favorite funny car memories involved a 1993 2-door hatchback Metro. I’m the youngest of 5 kids. My middle brother owned the Metro. It was a good little car, even though we gave him crap for the fact the 1.0-liter, 3-cylinder engine in it sounded like a moped when he revved it. That particular joke comes into…
You can see the driver getting rag-dolled around the cabin the whole time.
For some reason, I look at those Chevy Silverado front ends, and all I see is the face of a Cylon.