“Aug. 2 is the most deadly day of the year in terms of traffic crashes in the U.S.”
“Aug. 2 is the most deadly day of the year in terms of traffic crashes in the U.S.”
Came here for a John Wick reference, was not disappointed.
I think a lot of the issue is when people read about driver assistance technology like Autopilot, most are misunderstanding what it’s actually capable of. People seem to expect a less-chatty KITT from Knight Rider, when what we actually have right now are very fancy cruise control systems.
I just have to say, I love the fact that a comic exists where the main character is a dog, and it’s written by someone with the surname of “Kibblesmith”
Possessing Marlo Chandler-Jones, actually. Rick Jones wife/ex-wife/not really sure what their status is now. Death had possessed her before, and apparently uses Marlo’s body when she has business on Earth that requires interacting with a living person.
This right here earns Connor Lastowka my respect.
This. So much this.
While I wholeheartedly agree with this assessment, there is another mitigating factor that almost eliminates the benefits from the snow tires: the drivers themselves. I live about 30 minutes, give or take, from either of these I-35 crashes, and I work about 10 minutes from either location. The biggest issue I have…
Comic nerd here, regarding White Tiger: Latinx, for the most part. First White Tiger was Hector Ayala.
The second was, and I’m not kidding here, an actual white tiger that was “evolved” into humanoid form by the High Evolutionary. Comics, everyone!
The third White Tiger was Kevin “Kasper” Cole, a police detective of…
Cringy as the shower talk was, it was still a very “Dad” thing to do. My brother-in-law jokes that when his daughter is old enough to start dating, the potential boyfriends will see him naked at the dining table, cleaning a gun. He’ll then stand up to greet him, and warn the boy that he’s a hugger. It’s the same kind…
In all honesty, at what point does the concept of “compact SUV” just turn into “off-road hot hatch with a lift kit”?
I admit, I do find the distance between the reviews here and on IO9 interesting. It is an interesting example of how different people taking in the same media can have very different opinions on it. I would be curious to see an A.V. Club/IO9 round table discussion when Disco hits the season finale.
Here’s a thought: since they are either low-profile, or totally hidden in most modern cars now, how about a roof ornament that also acts as an antenna?
I work in a college town with a pretty decent mass transit system that includes 17% of their bus fleet being hybrids. Because of that, I was going to suggest that college campuses would be an ideal proving ground for something like this. Your idea, however, is brilliant and much better. Kudos.
From what I understand, Keiynan Lonsdale is has another career going in music, and just released a music video, so the lack of Wally might just be actor availability issues.
The funny thing is, here in Iowa, the Red Green Show is pretty popular. It airs on PBS in the US, Iowa Public Television in Iowa, specifically. The Red Green Show staff actually ran a contest, a few times I believe, during PBS fundraising that whichever PBS affiliate station got the most donations during the airing of…
“Feliniac” makes me want to see a story where Brainiac tries to take over a biological body, but ends up stuck in a cat.
IT/tech support. I work for a small software company, and handle advance support for our software, which means general support often comes to me if they have questions, on top of our customers. Because of dealing with in-house and outside “clients”, I have had to develop my research skills(because you’re never just…