
You caught me. I apologize for taking a few moments out of a rapidly-downward spiraling life to quickly skim an article that caught my attention, and comment on the fact that I have made similar drives, and missed that 1 detail.  You win.  If you would like, I shall delete my account posthaste, and stop visiting the

The thing that gets me is I live near Clive, and this kind of trip is a whole-day sort of endeavor. If he was going speed limit(yeah, right) on I-35, a round trip from Clive, which is a suburb of Des Moines, to the Minneapolis/St. Paul area is around a 3.5 to 4 hour trip one way without stops.

I can’t help but feel that they are pushing Digg as Green Lantern a bit. The Season 8 Spartan costume design has green highlights along the shoulders and arms, the visor in the helmet has green lighting, and he now is using a green laser attachment on his sidearm. Is it just fan service, or foreshadowing?

Okay, I legit teared up reading that Spider-Man page.  That is such a perfect Peter Parker thing to do.

I have a metal plate and multiple screws in a permanently-damaged ankle due to someone coasting through a stop sign, all because he thought he had enough time to get where he was going, fuck everyone else. After physical therapy, I have 80 - 85% of the motion back, and I can walk without a cane, but I’ll never be able

The science nerd in me is interested in not only the usage of the supercapacitor, but the placement of the hybrid drive in the gearbox as well. This intrigues me.

The design nerd in me feels a compulsion to play “Rocket League” after looking at the images of the car, for some reason.

Thanks. Dad is pretty tough, but you know how it is with worrying about family members. As for the truck choice, I think it’s what was available at the time he got it, I think in ‘64 or ‘65. I honestly don’t know if he would have preferred the stepside versus the unibody. I might have to ask him about that one.
And my

Has anyone else noticed that the clocks in most of the photos all say 9:11 AM?

Going with Nice Price on this one, but I’m admittedly biased. My dad’s project truck for a while was the ‘63 F100 he got when he was younger. It was the unibody short bed, in what we found out was called “Caribbean Turquoise” paint. A lot of stories involved in the restoration, but after it just got to be too much for

Don’t worry too much about it. For a long time, Shiner didn’t have wide distribution. I live in Iowa, and have family that used to go to Texas all the time, including a snowbird aunt and uncle. My parents used to go visit this aunt and uncle when they would go to Texas during the winter, and they got on the Shiner

Electrical issues can cause some weird stuff. My examples are my old car from high school/freshman year of college, and a similar car owned by one of my brothers around the same time.

Growing up in a very small rural Iowa town, the choices of mostly-reliable, affordable used cars could be somewhat slim. Thus why I

The weirdest things on my desk are items I didn’t get myself. Rather, I somehow inherited them from a coworker. Said coworker had a small Yoda bobblehead designed to sit on top of a monitor, and a Funko Pop figure of Deadpool. He then took the heads off of both, swapped them, and plunked them on the cubicle wall

I’m sure he’s not the first person to make the joke, but this reminds me of this tweet from Bill Gross:

That’s all well and good for someone who lives in the NYC metro area. I, however, live in central Iowa. While there are some good mom & pop delicatessens around here, they are across town. When I have less than an hour for lunch during work, and Subway is across the street, I’m going to go with Subway.  At least,

My mom makes an amazing strawberry-rhubarb dessert.  That makes me want to try infusing both rhubarb and strawberries into vodka, and see how that comes out.

This reminds me of something my Communications professor said back in college:
“Women bond by talking, by men bond by doing things together.”
It’s something of a generalization, but I feel it’s accurate.

I live in a small Iowa city with a very, very active racing community, that is rural enough that said community has way too much crossover into redneck territory. Therefore, I see your “Long Islanders”, and raise you “brodozer drivers that think the highway is the same as the IMCA Super Nationals track”.

Raphael, you should ask the whole Jalopnik staff what their favorite concept cars are. I’m curious to see what everyone would choose.

That’s amazing

Isn’t this what fan fiction is for?