I Like Buildings

Especially since she’s a nurse...she should understand working long/wacky hours.

The reviewer also says Navarro found the orange out on the ice. She actually picked it up from a bunch of oranges dropped by the hillbillies in the beginning, and stuffed it in her coat. She then pulled it out on the ice and threw it into the darkness. Then it seemingly was thrown or rolled right back at her.

Since it wasn’t brought up in the review—Danvers went to a gathering to mourn the stillborn child, yeah? Seems like she has a soft spot for young kids because of her son dying(??), similar to Navarro’s doggedness in cases with abused women. I wondered if she went to the gathering because of that striking a chord (she

Weird how the reviewer totally omitted the pretty important fact that the “Murder-Suicide” was actually a Murder, and that the bad guy was alive and happily humming when the Dynamic Duo arrived. One of them obviously killed him and made it look like a suicide.

Why is Peter’s wife surprised that her cop husband has to work long hours on a mass-homicide case that they’re under a deadline to solve?

I don’t think it’s a grift as much as just doing business. It’s the job of finance guys (and the industry is mostly guys) to get rich people to invest with them, and that includes friends and family.

sort of love how unhinged these takes are.

Ninja Robot is ultimately correct, though, right? These were definitely NOT the king’s reinforcements!  I mean, wasn’t that the point of EVERYTHING?!  Daemon says fuck it ... I’m going to show my brother that we don’t need his help, even if it kills me.

The time jump was the worst kind. It shunted the characters as they existed at the end of episode 2 forward in time, but did not give them 3 years of character development. It glossed over the things the writers wanted to jettison, and it progressed the things they wanted to retain, all without putting the work in.

The years-long time jump didn’t work for me, as the principal characters were still in their moods from last episode and hadn’t sorted their issues out. (And every time there’s a time jump, there’s time-wasting exposition.) Sure, I guess Rhaenyra would find it hard to get over her father marrying her best friend, but

But how did Reva leave the planet? She was left for dead and certified a traitor so it’s not like the Empire abandoned her shuttle too. Where’s the Star Destroyer? Why didn’t it blast Obi-Wan’s small ship into oblivion? Plot holes and inconsistencies? Lucasfilm promised the greatest TV show evah!

I get that she’s hurt. But we’re seriously just skipping past how she pulled her guts together enough to get to Tatooine DAYS ahead of Kenobi?

So nobody else was momentarily baffled that Reva just shows up on Tatooine walking and talking like she didn’t get run through with a lightsaber last week? And this is in the same span of time where the Path ship is still trying to escape Vader’s destroyer? I thought I’d missed an episode.

So here’s my theory on the identities.  It’s a little unclear if the unnamed actress has won any of the three she’s been nommed for. But if we assume she hasn’t won, and if we eliminate those who are deceased, we are left with the following possibles

Joan Allen
Diane Ladd
Angela Landsbury
Piper Laurie
Laura Linney

Not offensive at all in the US, way more offensive in the UK. Just because we share the same language doesn’t mean it all plays the same everywhere.

Between this and Righteous Gemstones, it’s been a banner year for evil motocross goons on HBO

He is going to be forever known as the lawyer who had a drug problem and killed himself thus ruining the name HHM.  Now that is just cruel.

For instance, if you were to see someone eating dessert within the first two minutes of the episode, they almost always finish the season.”

They should have called it Cora Bortles.... 

love how they made a subtle nod to Kim’s dilemma when she checked the time when she was restless early in the episode. It was 3:17 but there’s a small reflection that reads “LIE”. I swear, they never miss an opportunity to add in some nuance