I Like Buildings

“That show just evaporated as though it never happened,”

I thought No Way Home was kind of bad outside of the fan service. plot-wise.

Who else thought for a second that Noho Hank showed up in the car following Kim?

Olenna Tyrell would fist bump Nacho for that comment. 

Yeah it’s not.  I won’t go into spoiler country but having Paul bring rain to Arrakis with his “super powers” really goes against what the story the book was trying to tell. 

Outside of Ted Lasso, best AppleTV+ show so far. And honestly, maybe better than the last season of Ted Lasso. The cast is just fantastic, and the show is so weird but also awfully familiar for any office worker.

Or, maybe it’s just on the minds of the few remaining longtime staffers of this site, for some strange reason.

Also what about Drink History and Baskets.

My least favorite parts, or the most bewildering parts, are the bits BBC America throws in during commercial breaks either previewing what we’ll see within a minute after the commercial break ends or trying to make us sentimental about the segment we just watched with cast and creator commentary on how the scene we

Almost. Films are shot on 65mm, but finished to 70mm. (The additional 5mm is for the sound.)


Yeah, I’ve met a lot of teenagers, and I never met one who went out of his way to write an editorial trying to prove Hispanics are dumb. That’s not some teenager shit. That’s some this asshole shit.

True, but his racist teenage antics are consistent with his racist adult antics.

Everyone that claims to be a Rick, is actualy a Jerry.

Jesus Tapdancing Christ! The women who write the show these fuckheads love so much are getting harassed & doxxed for writing the show these fuckheads love so much. That is android head-exploding levels of irrationality.