Additional rules and regulations.
Additional rules and regulations.
So I probably shouldn’t have watched that video at work without headphones, got a ton of dirty looks from my coworkers. Not because of the sound, but because I was masturbating.
Damn, I read that they had stolen 46 POLICE cars. I was both Wow! and Why?? at the same time.
5th Gear: In between this and the grid girls post, there’s just a liiiiitle bit too much Splinter in my Jalopnik today.
Can pause think about if this is a good idea? I know it messes with the feminist ideals. But will someone think of the models? What will they do now they are unemployed? Become a high-class escort to the oil money class? I dont think any of them have any skills outside of being ridiculously good looking.
Kids: I eat Tide pods
I legit completely forgot this car was a thing until just now.
pretty sure thats how they shift when both hands are busy adjusting all the knobs on the wheel :p
yeah.... im strangely not surprised by maxs opinion
In such a cramped setting, wouldn’t a stiffie get in the way of the steering wheel? Or maybe Hulkenberg has a small unobtrusive package.
I feel the same about Trump. Love him or hate him, his name doesn’t need to be in every article written, regardless of the topic. I get tired of people taking shots at him on totally unrelated topics, regardless of my personal opinions of him.
Future NPOCP;
I don’t know why I think that sounds fantastic, but I do. Huracan suspension, coach built “New Pantera” body and interior, and an FPC Voodoo 5.2.
This is actually really nice. Pop up headlights, FTW!!
The entire gimmick of the Pantera was the Ford V8. Using the name is meaningless without a V8. Talk to me when they put a Voodoo in there.
And just now I realized the favorite Miata slogan of Jalopnik is an acronym for Miata. My dumb brain just got blown.
“Evolution? More like downgrading!”
Mitsubishi crapped on the Eclipse name with a crossover I won’t name (though I mostly did).
ba dum tiss!