I Don't Wanna Be a Pirate

Is it? Superhero movies are largely a studio-driven affair involving decades old properties and fan expectations that easily verge on pedantry. Maybe if he were creating his own superhero he’d have an easier time of it.

Er... really? The idea of spaceships mundanely traveling back and forth between colonized planets is predicated on being set in the future.

What is there to understand about superhero movies?

I think his point is that things like aliens, space travel and robots are all possible. Things like people flying without any assistance, men turning into green monsters, surviving nuclear explosions and becoming superhuman, growing wings etc. are not

That’s being defensively dismissive of you. There’s a difference between not understanding a trend and simply not caring for it.

Scott didn’t do Aliens. That was Cameron.

Depends what you mean by Science Fiction honestly. I’m not going to argue if your reference is Star Wars, but I think the primary difference is Science Fiction is a projection of scientific concepts advanced which isn’t inherently unrealistic, it’s just speculative. There are more grounded Superhero properties out

Or even drinking water between alcoholic drinks, as the article suggests. I haven’t had a hangover in years and I attribute that to making sure I drink shit tons of water throughout a night of drinking, constant potty breaks be damned.

Well we know that people are still stupidly sticking their faces where they shouldn’t.

It really is obnoxious. I saw someone on the Interwebs got a Barb tattoo. She has not earned Boba Fett status in my opinion.

Every time they mentioned Benny I got upset. THAT is someone to rally behind.


Same. She was a one-note character who didn’t do anything particularly interesting or show a personality. Compared to, oh, the vast wealth of far more interesting elements in the show, the Barb love is annoying and baffling.

Was about to ask this. I don’t get it.

I don’t understand the fascination with Barb.

Fahey may disagree with me but I would not be mad if there was a sequel. With Michael K. Williams getting to actually stab some dudes this time.

I thought it was serviceable. Decent enough for a video game movie, though there was no heart to it. It did have to do the unenviable job of establishing a lot of exposition and set-up. But it feels like a good starting point for the franchise, if it manages to get off the ground after this and gets a sequel. They

They should just make the purchase-buyback location as far away as possible and get him to drive to Germany since it doesn’t specify a buyback location...

The wheel was too slick, even with the oversized notches milled into it, and the "stops" felt generally sloppy. I contemplated attempting to "scuff" the wheel to get it usable, but decided to just return it. The freewheel mode was not something that I was interested in keeping enabled full time.

The wheel was too slick, even with the oversized notches milled into it, and the "stops" felt generally sloppy. I

Good that they went with a traditional scroll wheel this time. That sloppy metallic piece of shit on the g502 was the reason I took back an otherwise accurate and comfortable mouse.

Good that they went with a traditional scroll wheel this time. That sloppy metallic piece of shit on the g502 was