I'm pretty sure that web is a major focus of iOS devices. iPhones were some of the first phones to make mobile internet browsing enjoyable and popular.
I'm pretty sure that web is a major focus of iOS devices. iPhones were some of the first phones to make mobile internet browsing enjoyable and popular.
@shift321: No one speaks like that. #corrections
@talkingstove: I disagree. Most people agree that ebooks are better at reading books than things with regular screens like the iPad. However, the peek is pretty bad at its main job, which is to read and send emails...
@jmoum04001: Wow. This wasn't automated. It was Air France flight 296 and it crashed and killed 3 people.
@Kwinten: I wonder if any of these people just pretend to be homeless, but actually have enough money to have a house.
I could be wrong, but I believe "iPad touch 3g" should be something else...
@talkingstove: Wait... After the end of the world or before it?
@Acemonster: Relax. It's a joke. Hence the :P emoticon?
@KingBroseph: My iPhone wasn't still jailbroken, but the program was still on my computer.
Just to let you know, the WiFi sync software can sometimes cause major problems with updating or restoring your iPhone. It took me 6 hours to figure out what was causing the problem with my iPhone and I lost all of my information.
@Thunderbyte:Internet Killed Television!! CTFxC FTW!!!! (its a youtube show)
@crikerat: Exactly. Especially since you need a computer to even back up, update software, or activate it!
@2nd White Line: They aren't that necessary for the ipod touch anymore since it has a built in microphone.
@sharmanova: Um... No. Its missing everything that the nano has gained since 2007 except the radio. Camera, Video, Accelerometer, Extras, Games, ALARM CLOCK!!! And its still the same price. Thats why it make people think twice.
Eww, his music collection includes Ke$ha...
And to think we ever called 3G's fast... It seems like they just came out yesterday...
@Pixelologist, Esq.: However, netbooks usually only have one or two usb ports which could pose a problem when you want to hook other things up... just sayin... :)
@ThePr1nce: SHRECK!!!
@Homerjay has ABSA Fever: I was just trying to explain my opinion on it and why it wouldn't work in my life. My problems are probably shared by many others too, so I was just trying point some things out...