I dont try to start arguements, really I don't

I'm might be nitpicking here, but you seem to imply that Samsung is Japanese when you say, "Samsung, for one, is larger and more connected than any other Japanese company in the market." It isn't. It's South Korean.

I'm pretty sure the Pentagon goes quite far underground, which may add a lot of the square footage.

I agree with you, but using gay as an insult is offensive and makes you sound immature.

It can be purchased on Etsy, an online store.

Yes, but it is illegal and possibly unethical.

While money is saved when using appliances at night, more coal is burned. At night, energy companies use more coal and nuclear and less solar and wind.

When I go to China, I bring my kindle and it still gets past the firewall for free. I used it just a couple days ago and it worked like a charm. I wonder how China hasn't blocked them yet, but they haven't.

When I go to China, I bring my kindle and it still gets past the firewall for free. I used it just a couple days ago and it worked like a charm. I wonder how China hasn't blocked them yet, but they haven't.



Nope. Follow the link.

I just found out I live 49 miles from a nuclear power plant. How bad would the effects be if the plant were to melt down?

Is that possible? I'm on AT&T and even I don't like it.

You are so clever.

Why are articles so short now?

Is it possible that they test windshield durability against birds or something like that?

Really? Stop reading then.

I made my volume up and it made me jump a little.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. Its not like they're intentionally removing functionality, theres just a necessary difference in the radio chip.

Thats why it took them forever to announce the prize winner...