I Curse Zoidberg!

It is impossible to NOT smile at this image.

Also here for the tank party...

This is what happens when you focus too much on RPI and not enough on the sniff test.

So you’re saying the outlook isn’t looking good for a Hightower after encountering a Jet in New York?

The Jets actually started recruiting Hightower while he was still a member of the Patriots by leaving a couple of cupcakes on his schedule each year.

The Bears just became MUCH more interested.

I decided years ago that I wouldn’t take anyone seriously if they’re wearing a backward baseball hat. He’s 36 years old for God’s sake.

Hey I’ve got a few nfl owners that are friends, they’re just seriously maladjusted GB fans.


+1 hoof stomp

The extra n is to make it look bigger....

“Unemployed man spends money on lavish vacation and we have the pictures to prove it!” FoxNews Sports1

And super-together about it. I know around here people don’t like LaLa Land but that guy handled it totally smoothly and with total grace.

“It was 3-1.”

Omg, this reminds me of the craziest fucking lady I ever waited on. So this lady orders a burger and asks for it well done but with absolutely no charring on it. She says if there is any pink or if there is any char on the outside, I will be wearing it. So, I relay this to the cooks, who look at me like I’m crazy.

This is my moment in the ketchup-flavored sun.

As a former child who ate his steak that way and stopped once was shown what seasoning was, I can attest to the veracity that this is indeed how children eat.

Come on Tim, she’s 16 man.

as far as I’m concerned Shaq has a free pass based on this gif alone

He’d be a solid number two in the Padres’ rotation. Read that any way you like.