I Curse Zoidberg!

Hey, I know giving up a three score lead to Andy Reid makes it pretty likely that Mike McCoy will get fired, but you have him on the list twice.

Is this part of a new series where, “hey, we had those old posts removed, but here they are in a more expanded form, along with some reasons for why we thought these are newsworthy”? If so, then great, I look forward to it.

Look, this whole thing, everything the NFL does about head injuries is just for show. The “new safety rules” every year are arbitrarily, inconsistently and subjectively enforced.

I heard Trump had NAMBLA meetings there in the past fiscal year. Just waiting on the tax returns...

Broncos fan here, so we got a lot of the CBS Carey games. The shocking bit about his announcing was that whenever a play went to instant replay, he seemed to only be able to predict the correct outcome around 50-60% of the time.

“72 hours in Horse Medal Mecca”???

“Love this mural. That still hangs in the Kansas state capitol! Amazing.”

Now playing

So we’re just done with “dinging dongs”, that’s not a thing anymore?

“Dehydrated orange pit”, doesn’t Russell Wilson have some have some magic bubble water to fix that?

What about if Colon hits another homer? Instead of a massage, think he’ll ding someone’s dong?

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Ha! This is still my favorite (you have to skip to around the minute mark):

See, that’s exactly the type of shit I was trying to warn Jordan about. Any sort of rational criticism is met with this type of crap.

Welcome to Deadspin Jordan. Just a word to the wise, careful writing negative articles about the Seahawks. Their football illiterate fan base has a tendency to sue or start change.gov petitions in response criticism or rational negative thoughts about their defense.

Cavendish showed in Rio that he is still the biggest dick in cycling.

I see you’ve played Knifey-Spoony before.

I bet Harbaugh is just raging mad. But of course, that is pretty standard for a Tuesday afternoon...

Yes, of course, that’s precisely the point. This isn’t some sort of redemption or grand victory. This is a team that had world class players against young development team players no one has ever heard of. There is more competition in Men’s basketball for chrissakes.

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And what a victory it was! Using some of the best players in the world in a tournament against a bunch of 20 year olds from development sides. Needing an illegal pen by Neymar to finish it off as well! What a victory!