I’m with you Bobby!
I’m with you Bobby!
Sometimes it’s a transgressive thrill to wear clothes that are actively unflattering. The idea we, as women, are supposed to want to look appealing under all circumstances is so ... just taken for granted. Especially if you’re usually read as conventionally attractive, it feels kind of amazing to go “fuck you, I’m…
The most telling part of the whole week for me was Paul Manafort’s interview on MSNBC in which he said that women are concerned that their husbands can’t afford to pay the family bills. In 2016, this is why he said women will vote for Trump.
Oh god please let her confront Steve King on the Contribution to Civilzation comment.
Can we talk about that mom who suggested that because a Muslim was elected (Obama) they can elect Trump?
Congress has actually blocked the CDC and NIH from being able to study gun violence (even though 34000 Americans die per year).
I find this narrative difficult to believe unless the wolf was suffering from an illness. I have encountered a small number of wolves camping in Northern Ontario over the years. They have always noticed the people noise and smell and left very quickly. I see their tracks and scat far more often than I actually see…
This woman is so badass.
I feel like that’s all of CJ. People say she’s Sorkin’s one great female character. But I’m 100% convinced it’s just Allison Janney being awesome, he realized it and didn’t get in the way.
Who you calling a sissy?
Women are very experienced in cleaning up blood so we get away with it more often.
They should have left Katrina where she was. She was a truly awful character. The things she did to Ichabod before he even went through time.
So it doesn’t matter at all that the actress wanted to leave the show? Death (in most TV series), especially in TV series that have lots of death, is really the best way to eliminate a character when the actor or actress no longer wants to be a part. What reason would they have to concoct that would make sense for a…
Now this child is going to grow up and never come out of her room because they let her stay in as long as she likes. Terrible parenting.
Now I’m confused because Europe uses the metric system; maybe I’m only a 6 in America, but it converts to a 10 overseas?
Although I general hate people who treat other people badly (‘paying customer’ status does not justify being an a-hole), I do derive some pleasure from the thought that she maybe gave Drumpf all hell.
It’s funny that the majority of gay and transgender people are born to straight parents. I wonder what straight parents are doing to their kids.