
Sounds like the Keanu I know and love!

keanu reeves is in reality the person that johnny depp thinks he is.

I mean, just about any time an actor stops by a children’s hospital in costume it’s for the good publicity, but if the upshot is brightening the day of sick kids stuck in hospital, who cares?

Just as long as they include the appropriate amount of Office-style glances toward the camera.

Episodes 1-10: Reporter laboriously covers difficult and important story, including convincing management it’s worth pursuing despite it not being an obvious traffic-driver, and gets voices from all sides of the issue and

Idk, I have a friend in a similar situation, and her husband treats their kid like an inconvenience who gets in the way of his gaming. He apparently streams whenever he has free time and leaves her to do all the child raising, cleaning etc. OP might end up with two kids instead of just one :(

it’s important you actually make plans with him ahead of time for those non-gaming nights ... Plan some fun dates that get him off his ass and out of the house. Help him find the excitement in the real world again.

Um, she already was doing everything you suggested? Planning activities, initiating sex/creating romance (whatever that means) and his response is defensiveness, disinterest, and insults. This guy is a walking red flag.

Yep that’s totally the issue here: poor girl is with a guy with no libido and it’s “her fault”. Not sure if proper communication can fix this. Her guy doesn’t give a *#&@.

I feel like this advice is pretty good for the problem of “my husband plays video games too much” and pretty awful for the writer’s actual problem, which is, “my husband doesn’t want to have sex with me.”

I don’t see her blaming the players for anything, what I see is her pointing out ridiculous double standards that are relevant to her case. That fucking bitch!

I remember when these tubes were laid out at gas stations; a little bell would ring, alerting the attendant who filled your tank, checked the air in your tires, checked your oil and washed your windshield.

Hold on, what’s your theory?

Argued against abortion rights and the sex offender registry...

Long ago and far away we just stuck safety pins in our ears. I’m still alive. :)

They should have just used the classic Trump excuse of, “that happened years ago, when he was a younger man”.

Either that, or you know a lot of liars.

One of them is competing for their own country after only doing the sport for a little while, and one has been doing it for years and is still not good enough to compete for any country without gaming the system.

Yes. German Madrazo. However here are some key differences:

I know art is subjective, but I really have problems with these.