
Or, all of that and then “Angry resident,” who never goes to public meetings, storms into your office and demands to know why you’re not covering X issue, which you’ve been covering for months. Then, when asked if they got the latest issue of the paper, where there was yet another story about X issue, the angry

West, Texas — the town, not the geographic region of the state. The town of West, Texas is located along I-35 about 30-45 minutes north of Waco. Stop by The Czech Stop. Lots of kolachis and such that are amazing.

Actually, yes. I have, at least. But this post was still great. :)

Maybe 2018 will finally be the year you stop objectifying women and perpetuating the sexism of car culture, $kay. Wonder how long you’ll leave this comment up until you dismiss it like all the other similar comments from other users that you’ve dismissed.

Well, for starters, they could have NOT told Jazzy to keep quiet about what happened to her. That would have been a good start.

Yup, that site pretty much spells it out: raptors are large birds of prey. Another characteristic of raptors is that they all have really good vision.

I was trying to find something I thought you might appreciate. It’s a PDF of all the raptors in Texas, with tips on identifying them, even if all you see is a silhouette. I could’ve sworn it was something Texas Parks & Wildlife put out, but now I can’t find it anywhere. If I find it again, I’ll come back and link you

Is everything really just bigger in Texas? Yes.

I love you for this perfect smack down of a comment. Bet your kids loved you. Thanks for sharing, and congrats on all the wins, Coach.

That bugged me, too. You’re right that it’s a (very) literal translation of “Selena for life” or “Selena forever” but that, in real world Spanish, that kind of sentiment is better (and correctly) translated using “para siempre.”

This person is undoubtedly a fucking weirdo, but I love this gif so very much anyway.

Two things:

He finally resigned as of earlier today, citing that his law practice presents a conflict of interest with his duties as a city commissioner.

Lol. It’s ok. It might surprise you to learn that we women have these remarkable things called brains. We’re able to use them to see comments like yours and recognize their shittiness (and your shittiness, as well), even if you don’t direct them at us.

No. In that scenario you would have just been a regular sexist, like most Jalopnik mouth breathers.

Lifehacker: groundbreaking “how-to’s” for bleeding edge 19th century technology.*

Nice sexist remark with the panties there, brosky. Real progressive and enlightened of you.

Women can be sexist, too. Whodathunkit?

Sure, they’re welcome on Oppo, as long as they don’t care that we call them pity cruisers.

Now is not the time for #NotAllChristians.