
May cat is a space cat. He (pictured below) actually goes to other planets.

I had a female boss like that. Would always comment about the other (younger) women in our office. She would call one woman who had a large chest a variation of her name (think “Boobara” instead of “Barbara”) whenever the woman was out of earshot and would pantomime large boobs bouncing up and down while walking. She

Nah. That’s just one particular Oppo who holds a very particular definition of “luxury experience.” ^_~

The ocean is amazing!

I can already see my dad getting asked for his papers. He’s a citizen, born and raised here in the US, but Spanish is his first language. He speaks it with such a grace I’ll never be capable of myself. He speaks English, fluently, too, but with an accent. Fuck this shit, man.

Do you live in Texas? Because that sounds like about 75% of every driver in Texas.

$kay also refuses to EVER engage with a female Opponaut who tries to raise concerns about her sexism and her perpetuation of sexism. To my knowledge, $kay has never once responded to a woman who isn’t a Cool Girl™ like her.

Hmmm. I’ve been super busy with work lately, so I haven’t noticed. It’d be interesting to look at the Quantcast databand see if there HAS been a dip in traffic lately, but I’m too lazy to look for it. Heh. Plus, I really should stop goofing off. :)

Help (at) gizmodomedia (dot) com.

Hmm. I hadn’t even looked into that since I just have all my favorite sites here bookmarked in my browser. Maybe drop a note to Kinja Tech and ask them about it? They’re usually pretty good at responding.

Hello, Jorge! I’m a longtime commenter and reader here in the kinjaverse. Glad to see y’all at Fusion are migrating over to this platform, but I’m saddened to see commenter participation is still sluggish. For instance, I hadn’t realized that Fusion’s move to Kinja had started until someone shared this post to one of

My kitty cat definitely loves me. Like others here have said about theirs, mine always has to be near at hand. He’s always sitting or sleeping near me. He sits in the doorway to the kitchen while I cook, and he’ll even gently wake me if I hit the snooze button too many times in the morning (he doesn’t do that on the

Did you hear a chorus of angels singing when you found this picture? Because I certainly did.

From one woman to another: hell yes! And thank you. :)

I noticed none of your female staffers have posted anything today. The Root, Gizmodo and Jezebel have both published posts explaining how the women on their staffs are taking part in today’s Day Without Women protests. Are Jalopnik’s female staffers doing likewise, and if so, why no mention of it?

I noticed none of your female staffers have posted anything today. The Root, Gizmodo and Jezebel have both published posts explaining how the women on their staffs are taking part in today’s Day Without Women protests. Are Jalopnik’s female staffers doing likewise, and if so, why no mention of it?

This is a story from when I was in college. And I brought visual aids!

Lol. You ignorant dumbfuck.

I do. Though it’s been a while since I have.

LOL. Inaccurate accusation. Right.