I am Enzo, the baker

“Trust me, you’re better off not knowing.”

Chamomiles Davis Johnson is right!

Tom Brady just had that fan relocated to San Francisco. 

Stefan if you got so much cash to burn, can I borrow $20? 

Listen — I’m from Coxsackie, NY, and the least you assholes can do is give my hometown a little fucking shout-out when you talk about our virus.


“(Almost) One Minute”

Bryan Colangelo *

Is this the stupidest thing we’ve ever put on the website?

The game of golf and Wells Fargo are natural sponsorship partners: For over a century, pushing customers into costly products that they did not need or even request.

The material is one thing, but this vid is genius. I heart Burke.

I dunno about that, man. The Braves touched him up somethin’ fierce using just two-and-a-half foot poles.

I find it hard to believe a public university in Pennsylvania would react so carelessly to sex crimes.

Now playing

Cracker. Teen Angst (what the world needs now). Cracker’s first album is 5.99 on iTunes. I was going to buy the song for a 1.29. Made out like a bandit

I’ll believe Andrew Luck is healthy when I see him play, and maybe not even then

Now playing

Been on a country kick the past week or so. It’ll happen on occasion.