I am calm, but thanks

Let the pomegranate overpower if it wants! That sounds lovely, but you really can’t have too much pomegranate.

When your sugar Daddy is sub-literate, the only way to make him feel good about himself is to make yourself seem illiterate.

Just construct a wall around any MAGA table, like six inches behind their chair. For their comfort.

People shouldn't be wearing hats indoors, anyway.

See, I’ve always had it be the other way around. The chopped ones dissolve better, where as the whole ones remain stringy and clumpy. Maybe I’m just a bad cook. LOL

“Stop buying canned, chopped tomatoes.” “I don’t like this product, so you should stop using it.”
No. Also, no.
They’re extremely convenient and I make great spaghetti sauce with them. I DO WHAT I WANT!

Some of the responses I’ve dismissed, though...... [eyeroll]

Hahaha, it really threw me. I was like, nah, she’s definitely not the type for that. 

caftans will never be wrong

Speaking of rainbows, I really wonder why it was necessary to use that picture at the top. I’m gay, and exhibitionists wearing thong-kinis in a parade does not represent my emotional life or identity at all. Especially about a grim and traumatic topic like conversion therapy.

I find Adam Driver so attractive.

Ugh, you know what? You’re right. This is a Jezebel problem and a me problem. After being here since the beginning, and really trying to appreciate it even after the big exodus a few years ago of the more interesting contributors and commentors, it’s an uphill battle against the mediocrity.
This is a really stupid

I have been here for dog’s years. I know the drill. This one just really ticked me off.

I mean, there’s a link to the article right in the middle of the post. And it’s in keeping with the standard Jez thing of being snarky about something that you probably haven’t heard about, in a way that is confusing out of context. Have you perhaps not been on Jezebel very long?

agreed on the very last line, but regarding missy - sorry but nah, i still bump her albums on a regular basis (one of the only full discogs that i can do that with) and they never get old

Haha. Perhaps it's YOU that has aged horribly. 

I respectfully disagree sir

Yeah, exactly. Choose what you want to do with your own body by all means, but normalizing body hair on ALL WOMEN is a threat to the patriarchy and sexist standards of beauty, I don’t think it serves anyone to deny that fact 

I’m not sure I consider this act brave, or even inherently feminist