I am calm, but thanks

I need these

My wife loves when I wear heels, but I enjoy comfort.

Nope. Not what kitten heels are for. It’s not about you at all short guy.

I think they can be cute and comfy.

Practice this with a friend. You’ll develop a few stories that you can re-purpose for many questions.

This makes no sense. When my wife and I married, we went from two individual policies to one shared policy and it was cheaper than the two, but not cheaper than one individual policy. This really defies logic and insurance companies have pretty complicated (and logical) ways of assessing risk and pricing policies. I’d

I get it. As a queer person it reminds me of so many experiences in which “well meaning” liberal people treated me like a toy to collect.

“ She was thrilled to find out that two of her music teachers at school are gay”

Called out or theu just noticed?

Yikes. Rude response.

I give a shit what my feet like to hetero guy when I’m working out? No.

Barre probably won’t help with weight loss.


I go to barre classes at my gym. Nothing is sexy. Sex is not discussed. It is a good workout. It’s a nice break from cardio and weight lifting. I am gay though. Is this how straight people fuck these days? Wow!

She was 12.


Yes. Do you?

Chelsea Manning is an idiot who doesn’t care about representing the people of Maryland.

I’m not mad.

Um. What?