
I’m perfectly fine with tiered care. Like you said, it’s a reality of the world we live in. What pisses me off, though, is that the lowest tier in America is “go die in the gutter”, and the few tiers above that consist of “here’s a prescription, now go die in the gutter a little more slowly”.

It’s not so much that they’re losing interest in providing those things. It’s that they’re gaining interest in actively denying those things to all but the wealthy.

fuck this. We don’t need more for-profit “wellness” bullshit peddling to the already well-off. We need health care that ensures that everybody can go to the doctor when they need to. We need a healthcare system where, for example, the guy I saw in the waiting room last time I was at the orthopedist doesn’t have to put

“But many of these things can be transmitted to, or at least affect, others if we don’t treat the problem as a systematic public good, in the same way that we treat public roads, or public water, or Social Security.”

Sims Players Want More Diverse Options From Fan-Made Creations? uhhh so make your own?

I’m sure this was meant to be some kind of “interesting story of gaming achievement” article but it really just made me feel sorry for his family who are having to put up with this and support him financially to do this, especially as Bahrain has a fairly basic welfare program that stops after only a few months.

When will people learn that you gotta keep this stuff private until it’s completely done.  Then you release it into the wild and pretty much it spreads then.

Video games have been a cutthroat business from day one. If you feel this bad you should probably quit playing games altogether. And that’s not even mentioning how terrible the hardware manufacturing side of it is.

You know, it is possible to feel bad for the employees but still be happy the season gets finished. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

I wonder when 4channers will realize that 4chan ideology is the ultimate form of groupthink.

I could outrageously cite the weakest or wrong parts of this argument but really what’s wrong here and in general is that everyone can understand their own reasonings and not other peoples. They then think that everyone else has to be not thinking about it like they are and being controlled. I mean that’s both the

Look, honest question: Do you think that 4chan and 8ch trolls prefer that you ignore their memes, or write 1000-word think pieces on them?

It’s one thing to claim that a person’s strongly-held views are informed by nothing at all, but entirely another to imply that they’re completely on auto-pilot.

You are just saying that because someone walked up to you and pressed “A” aren’t you.

I wouldn’t call editing the update orchestrator, renaming a file, and changing multiple registry keys “letting” me change this setting so much as “making me go to great lengths to do something they clearly don’t want me to do.” Windows will actively try to undo your modifications what you have done if you don’t do

I think it’s some of the most anti-consumer bs that was weirdly put up with for a while.  I want to use my computer when I need it - it’s pretty embarrassing when this stuff happens in a work environment and I can’t do my job for 10 minutes so the customer is just standing there starring at me. Now imagine if my job

So, you will be waiting the rest of your life then?

Too bad you made a typo. By internet law all your enemies are right about you now.

Step 1: go to the gym a few times a week