
humanity*, i think you misspelled it with “China”

This made me curious so I looked it up, and apparently the LD50 for caffeine depends on individual tolerance, but is generally 80-100 cups of coffee. That’s around 5 gallons.

“Impressive” is not exactly the word I would use. This takes zero actual skill. You just have to be willing to waste an incredible amount of time.

I blame the dangers of a creeping corporate-directed militarized police state with authoritarian tendencies on this one.

Could be a lot of reasons, but running immediately to the, “maybe he’s just a horrible brat, and doesn’t deserve nice things,” line is so incredibly cynical that I’m worried you’re going to cut yourself on your own edge.

Wow. I can think of soooo many legitimate reasons for this kis kid’s mom not buying him a $300 console plus game despite him clearly wanting one. Single parent? crushing medical debt? responsible parenting instilling values? Saving for college? Some parents, if not most parents, probably dont have this type of

Sadly, Nintendo has already issued the child a Cease and Desist

Kids in africa could’ve eaten that cardboard.

I’d rather hear the “Ohhh Yeeah!” Kool-Aid voice.

well, i didn’t know that rule change was part of brawl. That wasn’t a reading comprehension issue though, nice try.

And the rest of the game would be players sitting in trenches for six-eight weeks, before going in for a suicidal charge to take pointless territory, only to lose that territory the next week to the enemies suicidal charge.

And this is why the PTR is a thing.

Persona games (4 especially) didn’t need that much grinding. Certainly not the amount of a SMT title. Since you have a fixed number of in game days to finish a Persona game, you /can’t/ endlessly grind, anyway.

You did the undersea zone? I thought we didn’t talk of that.

I work a full time job and have been for 5 years and don’t have nearly as much saved up. Yaaaay for being a second class citizen :(

After today there’ll just be a constant reminder of Windows 10 being a cheap deal at just $100 instead. :-)

Surprised there isn’t any for Mercy, since she’s the one who has the most right, especially when her team lets her down for the umpteenth time.

So, the two most innocuous pokemon names that could be used as real names are seeing a boost in usage? Eevee is really no different than a pet name for Evangeline and all the offshoots there of (Eve, Eva, Evelyn, etc) and Onyx is a bloody rock first and foremost. We gonna complain when names such as Garnet or Pearl

“one of the most annoying pranks on the internet”