Herman Zindler

Poor Cassandra was cursed to always be right and not believed. Melisandre, on the other hand, seems to be believed, but seems unable to accurately read her own visions. Really really doubt that Stannis is Azor reborn. Danaerys seems the one most in line with a bunch of portents—the comet in the first book foretold of

Well, GRRM can’t carry out the comparison too far since there’s no son to kill Selyse, but I’ve always thought Stannis was a study in hubris. He convinces himself that no matter what he does he’s in the right, but his definition of what is “right” has been very self-serving.

Not everyone’s going to like it, obviously. I think it’s a very fresh take in an obviously non-canon universe.

I’m not sure how I feel about these leaders they're showing. I feel like unless they eventually reveal something about them, giving the white walkers this sort of characterization feels superficial.

I’m going to guess that it’s just an honorary title that has fallen to the leader of the Others, which was inherited from the original.

I thought it was his wife. And she had his lover killed too.

[no comment]

I felt like Selyse’s change of heart was only there to emphasize Stannis’s inherent horribleness — thus telegraphing that this guy is going to suffer badly for what he’s done — otherwise it just doesn’t make sense given what we’ve seen about her to date. Sometimes I feel like they seem to have characters do things

But then they had to follow that up with Days of Future Present, where “just killed by a sentinel” Franklin travels to the past, and uses his younger self to keep himself alive.

There’s no version of an answer that doesn’t end with someone breaking into “Ice Ice Baby.”

Holy fucking shit! GREAT fit! Hopefully it’s become it’s own series!

Not to mention standoffish in her love of Shireen.

[citation needed]

What do I think it all means? That within the next few years, we’ll see a return to the status quo (Tony Stark is Iron Man, Thor is Thor, Steve Rogers is Cap, etc.), timed to happen around the releases of various films in the MCU, because that’s how comics always end up (recent case in point: Amazing Spider-Man to

I think it’s too easy to gloss over the actual world-building that The Matrix did. There’s a reason we were all enthralled by that movie, and it wasn’t the Holy Shit Quotient of the action scenes. I know it’s trendy to hate on it now, but there was some great character and world-building in the first.

It is, and it will go the same way.

this whole event is just starting to feel more and more like House of M

Actually, as often as this trope pops up, I don’t know if it can really be considered insane or surprising.