Well when you’re upside down on the loan of your 1998 Isuzu Hombre...
Well when you’re upside down on the loan of your 1998 Isuzu Hombre...
Who mods leased cars????
Great article. Thank you. I appreciate you reviewing the history of the treaty and its importance then and now.
Is anybody else worried that eventually, this wall is going to be used to keep us here?
If you look up “too little too late” in some kind of dictionary of clichés, this is what comes up. All this shit.
Give her time.
I think it takes a unanimous vote, and Bill can feel his pain. A player with no game, he can’t empathize...just sympathize.
He would be in the basement of that DC pizza place.
Maybe the “Clinton advisor” should direct his anger at Anthony Weiner & James Comey?
Just as absurd as a virgin birth, walking on water, multiplying fish and loaves of bread, transubstantiation, and rising from the dead in my opinion. Religions are absurd.
Yes but you can’t meet any rich, single stockbrokers up there. These girls want to meet the insanely rich stockbrokers (that are also hopefully single) so that’s why they’re on Wall Street. They don’t care what the rent is becuase their new boyfriends will pay it for them.