
Xenogears is a piece of art. I remember when I was confused by the change of pace, but I was never dissapointed or felt anything negative about the way they made it. Sure, if you share a place with a whole lot of people who thought that they were scammed, that it isn’t finished product, some of this negative thinking

I saw a fucking triangle shaped elevator. Those are things you never ever forget. Still, my post was just good ol’ making fun of polandball, so take it either way, can be serious, can be satire, doesn’t matter - half of them is not working anyway.

Just visit Poland, you would probably return traumatized. So this is a good piece of info for some :)

I am sure that is just placeholder translation. Not sure if they would release such bad-translation in this time and age. Although... you never know were they will pour their resources...

I got a very good ‘Soul Reaver’ vibe from the 1st one. There was a lot of things to collect and places to visit, some were locked until you got a new ability [double jump or something for example], and so on. Battle system was quite nicely done with flashbacks to GoW series, fast paced attacks, combined with some

Agree, subtle change but very powerful in terms of conveying what the fuck is going on in series.


Always relevant.

Nah, worse one is even worse than nothing at all.

Indeed, but as a male I wouldn’t try to go for the balls on any female just because I like it :).

100% this. I wanted to write something coming from the male side of things, but you have put it aptly I would say.

I would react in the same way, if someone is being disgusted by semen. It’s not urine or anything, it is not a fluid that transports garbage out of the body etc. That being said, I had few encounters

Espace... he he heee...

Well you can either pre-order or pre-order, for hardcore Destiny player that’s enough choice, lol.

Seriously though, it is so shameful that I don’t even.

Not saying that I like him, just stating, that no other character has a depth on par with him. I don’t say that it’s a great character, just most fleshed out. So basically everyone sucks hard, he sucks a little less. My personal opinion though? I didn’t connect with any characters, I don’t really see them as anything

Yeah, he says something in vanilla, but it’s generic stuff, like all other characters. I don’t think though that Deadpool and Cayde-6 were influenced by one another. I think bungo wanted that ‘character’ from the start, but with whole fiasco with re-doing the game etc, they could only achieve the planned vision in TTK.

Because of all promises they made, and never delivered [like getting rid of the vault space problem prior to ROI], I know to never trust trailers or news coming from bungie.

I agree. Lies by the devs every other patch was so painful to read. If not for addicting mechanics, and gameplay, no one would play it. Riddled with bugs, inconsistencies, and complete lack of listening to the community, made this game really bitter experience.

Tell that to all jRPGs or Metal Gear series... Games with well laid story are vastly better than bland shooting without any cause or motivation. All characters create world, and without it, it is a bad video game.

They didn’t have any other ‘usable’ character. Cayde-6 is the only character with ‘character’.

You will be pleasantly surprised on 30th then. Although the deal between Sony and Activision is still in play, so PS4 version will still have exclusives, that Xbox still haven’t gotten [and probably will never get, which is sad]. So the best version will always be PS4 version, but it’s clear as day that it comes to PC