nicer than i sound

Oh, no—I"m only about halfway in. I was hoping everyone would keep it together…

Popping in to recommend the current season (3) of Australian Survivor. It's exactly the same (albeit with lots more players)—even the challenges are all ones we've seen—but the cast is infinitely less irritating. I watched a few episodes this week and realized how much more fun it is to watch Survivor when my brain

I'm right there with you. The rage that every one of their weird generational observations creates it me basically undoes any goodness in the rest of the episode.

Oooooh, you're probably correct—that makes more sense. I think I just have that Hugh Dennis scene burned into my brain.

I've watched bits and pieces of other Bake Offs—Irish, Australian and South African—and, while the format is identical, whatever makes the British version magical is completely absent. I just don't think the baking competition format is all that special on its own. Mel and Sue do a lot of the heavy lifting to make the

She's really good as a terrible person here. I love her so much in everything, and yet I absolutely wanted to push her character down a flight of stairs.

I loved how her reaction to be being observed changed over the course of the series—she was so proud and quippy in the beginning, and so seemingly stressed by our presence by the end.

She really couldn't have been more adorable in that—"Where were you drinking, at a monastery?"

Yeah, I've seen this compared to Girls in almost everything I've read about it, but I agree that Fleabag is far more relatable in her terrible choices, and therefore less infuriating. I don't hate Girls, but this is a whole other animal.

"the actual most heartbreaking moment on the show is an earlier scene
with a minor character in which Waller-Bridge says almost nothing."

I loved the first series of Successville so much, but with the exception of Vicki Pattison's ep, I didn't find the second one quite as delightful. Still a lot of fun, though, and I absolutely second your recommendation.

Episode 4 was definitely the point where I went from thinking this was a good show to thinking it was a devastatingly great show.

I really, really loved this whole series (really!). My expectations were low, since everything I had heard was just "It's filthy, it's raunchy, etc", but I wasn't expecting to be so affected by it—I started crying in the fourth episode and just kept going. It was Hugh Dennis, of all people, who really got to me. I'm

Even if one was to accept that the courts were generally above reproach when dealing with cases of college date rape in 1999, Parker has said plenty of things since that might cause him to lose support.

But isn't it possible to simply say that I am no longer interested in this man's vision or in contributing to his success? Do I actually owe it to him to see his movie and make a critical assessment? Can I not just opt out, and hope that others choose to opt out as well?

They've got her Supersizers show on Hulu now, in which she is almost painfully adorable.

Absolutely. I like Mel and Sue for their intentional ridiculousness, which somehow remains charming and not snarky. I couldn't hate puns more as a general rule, but I think they're perfect.

I've been watching the Canadian Amazing Race, and it really is good—kind of a throwback to early US seasons, when the challenges were legitimately challenging and all that Survivor-style strategy hadn't yet started creeping in.

I swooned every time he opened his mouth. Heart eyes emojis, indeed. All over the place.

If they're going to continue with Ruby as someone we're supposed to care about, I really need to see more of why she's behaving the way she is. I get that the show changes people and brings out their worst selves and all that, but to see the strongest woman do a complete 180 and buy completely into pretty princess