
As far as I can tell, io9 feels the need to do queer acceptance indicating by posting articles about male/male shipping. I don’t think I have ever seen any type of shipping commentary other than male/male unless it is part of conjecture about where a TV series may be going. The shipping posts might also have something

Here’s my takeaway from this article: There’s a lot of lonely people out there. I’m not sure anyone outside of the “gayshipping” demographic really thinks this is front-page io9 materiel, though I may be mistaken. It’s weird how a niche topic that used to haunt internet forums has become this mainstream

It’s like being stuck in traffic while going 200 miles an hour. While I don’t doubt that it’s stressful, calling NASCAR drivers “athletes” might be a bit of a stretch.

If Charles didn’t complain about racism constantly, he wouldn’t have a job. It is getting old. United we stand, divided we fall.

Wow, really scraping the bottom of the content barrel here aren’t we?

I know that.

Isn’t Rotten Tomatoes banning negative audience scores because of an alt-right Facebook page that has called on people to mark the film down?

Isn’t February consider a “dump” month for movies?

I have seen some chinese critic reviews that in short are 100% more honest then the obviously paid for critic reviews here in the West as they are far more inline with those results you see on RT (yeah yeah i know) and other sites that have both critic & punters reviews. The movie was just plain crap covered with some

Which doesn’t say women can’t code. It just says that in general, stress levels at google make the job less preferred by women. For instance, I am fat. Fat people are less predisposed to running. Does that mean fat people can’t or shouldn’t run? Or that they don’t have the ability to run? No.

That’s not what he said, at all.

Um, he didn’t say that men are better than women.

My sentiments exactly. And also the point he was trying to make, I’m mixed race and gay and I don’t understand why anybody should be offended by the concept of male and female differences. Different doesn’t mean better or worse. The common discourse is “we should celebrate differences and diversity” but apparently

The more we white wash and erase the horrors of the past, the less likely we are to learn from the past. And the more likely we are to repeat those same mistakes.

All I hear from you is that cencorship is a-ok. No, the old days were not good. They were horrible, but erasing, outright denying, that these things happened is a great way to mess everything up again. Who’s in favor banning Holocaust films raise your hands!

Coming from one of the clearly more sensitive people? Clearly sensitive enough to have a fucking ride changed. Shit like this (making a ride a social/political issue) is why there IS the alt right. I’m as progressive as they come, but when there’s a bunch of left leaning racists going around trying to make everything

Why the hell does it need to tell the Pentagon? Then Pentagon works for the White House, not the other way around, and international diplomacy (for whatever value of diplomacy you want to use) is a Presidential prerogative.

Where in the Constitution of the United States of America does it state that the government is responsible for covering the costs of a citizen’s healthcare? It is not in the Bill of Rights. I am unfamiliar with any Healthcare related Amendments. Where does this idea come from?Nobody owes you anything. If you want

I would say this car is perfectly safe at posted speed limits, so dodge can sue for libel.

Cultural appropriation! First hoop ear rings, dreadlocks and Ghost in the Shell.....and now a female, black Dr. WHO! What next? Where does it end? LMFAO!