On July 10th, 2014, a small, mysterious game called "Do Not Believe His Lies" was uploaded to the iOS app store. Since then, over 40,000 people have downloaded the app. Nobody has beaten it. Hell, nobody quite knows what it is, either.
On July 10th, 2014, a small, mysterious game called "Do Not Believe His Lies" was uploaded to the iOS app store. Since then, over 40,000 people have downloaded the app. Nobody has beaten it. Hell, nobody quite knows what it is, either.
Congrats, you're an abusive parent. Showing your kid not to be violent by being violent? Excellent strategy. That poor baby boy, why do you think he hits, when you show him that hitting is appropriate? And shaking? How old is he? I've seen one too many kids with fucked up vision from being shaken. But I don't think…
I was just talking about discipline with our pediatrician.
Na na na na na na na na na na katamari damacy.....
You're the right kind of crazy, kiddo.
That's enough internet for today. I'm out. Good bye y'all, I'll remember you all in therapy.
I kept reading polish week as Polish week, in which case I imagine the prep is less manicure and more:
This. A million fucking times.
Or how about,
The airline in question has stated that this rumor is "false" and "a fabrication."
Christine, I'm beginning my transition at age 46. It's been really, really hard, but I'm starting, and I think I can do it. I have a good friend who is also starting to transition, and a co-worker my age who began her transition just last year. It is never, never, never too late. If you haven't been to a counselor,…
I will start by saying I made a new account to post with because I do not want to post on my real account and out myself.
Just love your kids.
It's kinda gross, but the hairs are short and spiny so it's in one of those "Jesus Christ my body looks like a plant," kind of ways. Remember that photoshop of the weird seed pod on a boob a few years back that they tried to pass off as spider eggs in her areola? Like that, but less insect-y.
While this is gross, come on. This isn't even a top five Shrayber post for grossness.
I'm told it exists because we were created by an intelligent designer. Intelligent.
what pissed me off the most was the fact that he didn't wipe the existing hair off of the tweezers in between pulls. Like START FRESH OMG
I'm equally appalled and jealous. Honestly it's likely covered under the bank's insurance so no one is going hungry from missing a couple million. And what were the banks going to do with that money? Probably waste it. Better to spend it on goods and services that help the local economy. Yeah. Yeah, definitely.