
At least it didn't happen in Tennessee. The deceased would be tried and imprisoned.

someone at Gizmodo please buy an E-meter, tear it down and post the findings.

"There are claims that Notch beat out Beyonce & Jay-Z for the property, but these are"

Well what's the point of maintaining 4 separate social media accounts if I can't use them to constantly bombard everyone I know with how special I am? You want me to be good just for the sake of it? With no selfies or hashtags even?

I guess the question is "How can white people be supportive of the issue without seeming to demean or take over the issue? " If white people don't talk talk about what they do in the situation, then the narrative is that white people are ignoring the issue (which so many do). If white people talk about the issue,

Actually I think by "salt water wash" the person meant "salt water enema" because if you put salt water up that end then water from the blood is pulled into the intestinal tract where the sudden high sodium has come in.

I'm sorry but this is bullshit. If you heard probably 99% of the pop stars these days sing live "unplugged" with no reverb or accompaniment I doubt it would be much better. Beyonce can't sing half as well. Mariah has some def vocal problems, wear and tear from all the riffing and over singing, but this is unfair

My grandpa stopped driving a year or 2 ago. He's currently 95 and sharp as a tac but he is aware that you reach a point where it is no longer safe or survivable if he was in a wreck. He was and probably is still a good driver but he doesn't want to anymore unless he has to. He also drove his moped till he was 90.

Definitely the lack of awareness; that's how people get killed. Lack of respect for traffic laws is still a shitty thing, but if that person is very AWARE then it's really not a big deal on an individual basis. You can "safely" do 100mph down a well-lit, well-maintained highway with no obstacles within your braking

I always wonder whether or not it's the lack of awareness or the lack of respect for traffic laws that's more dangerous on the road. And I can tell you that old people have tons of the former, and the youth have tons of the latter. I haven't decided on which I worry about more.

I'm not sure why people keep saying this. Other than being agonizingly slow drivers I've rarely had problems with the elderly. The worst drivers I encounter on a regular basis are young. They're impulsive and too arrogant to realize how incompetent they are.


"You want to talk about oppressive, talk about a government spending hundreds of millions on new freeways, and then setting the speed limit at 50 mph"

jesus, the struggle is real. Those communist fascist bastards! Limiting your rate of travel on public roads to 50 mph! Thats fascism if i've ever seen it.

You need to stop riding. Now.

Internet angry doesn't kill bystanders when they get t-boned running a red light.

Where on earth did you ever get that information? I've been riding for 30 years and have never seen a gun on any rider. Perhaps you actually have a factual source?

Kill a man? WTF are you talking about?? God help the f***tards you ride with if they start to act like in the video (or in any way that makes a cop decide that is the best course of action). And god help them if they pull their guns or actually use them against a police officer...Then they're really f***ed for life if

Good thing your inferiority complex isn't showing. That would be embarrassing.

i do group rides on my bicycle, as a law abiding bunch of urban explorers we are a danger to ourselves, occasionally. This fuckwits are permanently a few feet from one accident or another that has potential to ruin some innocent bystanders day.

I was with you until your last paragraph, which was shit. The only cause of rape is rapists. End of.