Am I the only one who always thought Brooks sounds EXACTLY like James Woods?
Am I the only one who always thought Brooks sounds EXACTLY like James Woods?
It’s DEFINITELY illegal in California and yes, you will get a ticket or even a CUI.
Dude, childcare is KILLING me. They may be in a public kindergarten, but the hours after that have to be covered, plus all vacations and it seems like half the year is "Vacation."
Who is making all that money up in Alaska??
Hasn"t there been at least one recent study indicating that for mild to moderate depression, regular exercise works as well or better than amti-depressants?
Dockweiler. Right next to Water Treatment Plant that's already there.
Almonds are a drop in the bucket compared to meat, fairy guessed it, denim jeans.
3) Force Southern California to actually conserve water. They use close to 50% more per person, despite about a third of their water coming from NorCal.
When the movie AI was rolling out, the studio hired some game developers to create a complex, web-based game around it. Hundreds of people got involved in trying to figure it out, and on the end, it was far better than the actial movie.
Well, I am going to dissent slightly. For SOME kids, giving them attention is a great way to reinforce the very behavior you want to discourage, but for other kids, kids who act out out of anxiety, oppositional defiance disorder or the inability to regulate, it's actually worse to disengage and leave them to deal with…
Spanking is less about discipline and "teaching" and more just about me losing my shit. It teaches nothing.
I don't think I've ever seen two words put together that equal a total crock of shit more than "heritage sports."
You see playful, I see boredom and mental illness.
Yeah. Smacks of liver disease.
Side Bar: the so-called "Paleo Diet" is complete bullshit.
I hate this woman.
And then there's the issue of what you can't do when you're driving a Ferrari. Park it outside. Enter steep driveways. Give it to a valet. Hit a big pothole. Leave it anywhere in public overnight. When I lived in Atlanta, I didn't have a garage – so I rented space for the Ferrari in an exotic car warehouse located 20…
Oppression isn't "culture." This is "culture" like slavery was part of the "culture" of the American South.
Women aren't hats, or pets.