
In fact, you must if you don't want to leave blood-spattered dents in the machine.

That sign is always good for a spittake from me.

I know it's the hippy classic, but earthships, passive solar houses made from tires, have a niche in my heart:

I don't know that I can ever forgive the sonic monstrosity that is the music transition at the 42s mark. I'd still watch the hell out of it, but I'd be pretty sad if that's an indication of the production values.


That's an interesting interpretation. I'm not sure that balanced approach gets the good stuff fully, like maybe you need to be a bit unhealthy and nonvoluntary to really get it - carried away by these attachments. Loving so that you break when your lover dies, creating so that you burn up in that work. Going out is

Fair enough, that was a bit cryptic. I think that there are some great lessons on Buddhism philosophically (impermance, skepticism about the unity of the thinking subject, connectedness) and practically speaking (meditation, disinvestment from legality as a good measure of goodness, skepticism about personal

MET = 8 for running, according to the article, 8 * 12 = 96
If the MET estimates in the article are incorrect, that's good to know and makes it more useful, the concept is a new one to me. Thanks for the link.

Concentrate is maybe not quick the right word - or maybe it's a word that has a good meaning and a bad one - sometimes I read it and think 'strain towards' rather than 'keep gently bringing yourself back to' - maybe like white-knuckling vs. properly steering a car.

And from the horses mouth:

Honestly, with the right task and approach, a huge number of tasks can become mediation - Vipissana is just the one that's available to everyone. I'm an anti-Buddhist who really appreciates Buddhist technologies of mind and though experiments.

A few years back uranium in granite was a big concern in Western Quebec, just north of Ottawa. But not how you'd think:
Folks have wells drilled into the granite and the ground water has uranium in it. The dissolved natural uranium actual causes kidney problems long before anything else:

Working on the plot outline for my first novel. Research and characterization, along with some test vignettes have gone well, but I've come to realize that I only understood the biggest dynamics of the plot and want to nail it down a bit more. I work in bursts and so I'm not sure I can trust myself to do it

You make this Alberta-transplant pine for the Old Country.

Thank the glorious ancestors for folks like you. I write code for a living (C# and SQL), but I just don't have the patience or technical background to go so many layers down the abstraction ladder. I really appreciate that other folks do!

It's like we living in the F'ing house!

Smaller house, same stupid - mine is 100 years old with not a straight wall or level floor in the place. Wabi Sabi Reno Enlightment is my only hope.

So if you do the math, a dude can't do better that 100 after age 24 (100% + 96 - 96).
Which basically puts this into the category of fancy ways to say basic things:

Fair enough on results - but I doubt they're stop after just one drug - I know they've used zapping for instance forgetfulness in animal models with some success, so there's bound to be some drug or TCMS frequency or microprobe zap that gets the job done without blanking your childhood. The search will continue.

You need to look back to the 1890s through 1910s to find a situation as bleak as ours, politically and socially, but even that era was only a few years before great explosions of social progress. Progress won't ever be a straight line or guaranteed, but there are real and practical ways for people build skills and

Folks are literally working on this technology for just that purpose right now. The way it works is that they cause you to recall a traumatic event and dose you with a drug - the drug prevents the memory from re-coalescing (as all memories do after recall). Apparently after a few rounds the traumatic memory is more or