
Excessive use of outline and gradient ruins the 4-color litho feel.

The entire Northern half of Alberta is forested...

Very sad to see you go. The last months have been a decline for the site, largely due to the influx of gizmodo culture and values. I’ve largely stopped participating as the level and etiquette of discussion have fallen so far.

She does. She was born in the US and grew up in Paris.

Having watched it years after live-to-air, the Xindi season seemed like such a breath of fresh air after a season of ‘Archer gets kidnapped’ episodes. But I did watch it in 2014.

Unfortunately, that’s only the relatively benign liquid kind. Bitumen shale and sand reserves are still greater than all past well-oil production. They just produce twice the CO2 due to hot processing and pollute enormous quantities of water. Hopefully renewables price these to extinction before then.

And here I was waiting for it to end with: “Pitagora Suichi!"


Same production company, if memory serves.

Sorry to be that guy, but Juggalos predate Batman Beyond by a sizeable margin and there is the Red Triangle gang in Burton’s Batman. Both of these make Batman Beyond’s subcultural clown menace a development of previous currents, rather than a prediction.

It was on at 5:30 am in my town and I used to be up watching everyday. I loved it, but it is terrible television even by 1960s cartoon standards.

Amazing. That is... Wow... Liefield even.

Heavy Time is a favorite of mine. That gritty class struggle narrative that sets up some serious intrigue really pulled me in. I have to say that the I put down Hellburner, but might give Downbelow Station a try. I’m just not much of a military SF fan, but given me social struggle, blue-collar atmosphere, and

“black holes and neutron stars, which typically no light.” Typo here :-)

I know this is basically a dead thread, but I wanted mention that I’ve seen this phenomenon of the weird as revealing the personal in a couple of places now: One is maybe films by directors named Anderson (e.g. Magnolia and Punch Drunk Love) where the bizarre external reality reveals the characters’ turmoil and the

Not gonna lie, I read that as Skull Shit L and was so confused. Blame my potty mouth, I guess.

You’d be surprised. PKD, Ray Bradbury and Vonnegut wrote some extremely dark stuff in those days, it just didn’t get well known until later. Specifically, I’m thinking of the stories “The Defenders”, “Autofac” and “Second Variety” for Dick and Fahrenheit 451 for Bradbury (though that was well received). Vonnegut is

You might say it will broadcast at night as a nocturnal emission.

I think you’re right on the ladder concept, except that you can also use regenerative breaking on the downward trip. (That is, until the geosynchronous point, after which the weights count oppositely, tugging out and being braked). And I think folks often forget the downward trips and downward cargo, since at $500/kg