
Oh there are a lot of bad options, I just personally would hate Dusty Baker the most. He’s the Jeff Fisher of MLB.

How many teams are paying Josh smith to NOT play for them? Is it still 3?

Trust The Process, pip. Trust The Process.

This doesn’t make any sense.

Why don’t you wait until you’re on the right side of .500 before you start declaring victory.

Coming from John Mara, this is like Trump hugging a Muslim on national television.

Wherever this goes from here—continued player protests during the national anthem; actual reform-oriented

Wait until they introduce their adjacent daycare center for the folks who need to use WeWork but have kids.

dc poster here. my second favorite part about the skins ever winning a Super Bowl, after “them winning at something important” will be getting to watch you contort with apoplectic rage live on Twitter.

And honestly, given the nature of football playoffs, they have more of a chance than the other three teams, who are

Was this supposed to convince me to find and watch this show?


“Go fuck yourself, San Diego!”

Lifelong skins fan here and really they’ve been a fun (though frustrating as a fan) team since Cousins took over. Good offense, not too hot defense, abysmal special teams equals high scoring games and lots of passing. They always seem to have a couple young guys with attitude plus at least one grizzled old veteran


Life, ummm, finds a way.


This was a terrible read. It was like you wrote it with a thesaurus by your side trying to string together words and sentences that sounded “intellectual” and “deep”.

Jerrah’s got Jason pounded into just the right degree of malleability, and doesn’t want to start over now.

The only tears I shed when Romo’s corpse was hauled off to the crematorium were tears of unbridled joy.