
I’m really happy with the game, but I’ve been super hyped about it for years.  It’s probably a wise idea to wait for full release.  I disagree with Luke’s stance that it’s highly polished- there are a number of game-breaking bugs (or at least there was when i played it on launch day a week ago).  I also felt like the

I will watch this only if at least one driver pledges to run the course backwards.

I work for a company that has the capability to capture this market, and i’ve been recommending we look into it for about 5 years, but my higher-ups aren’t tech savvy and are always about a decade behind trends.

Won’t play OW as long as role queue exists, doesn’t matter what characters they add.

I refunded my copy, thanks to this article bringing it to my attention to how easy it was.

Aye, and any pending legal action against them (silly or not) are pretty much put to bed when refunds are so easily available.  No one can claim financial harm when they can get their money back in 2 mintues flat.

You’d think that remastering an existing, great game, would be less of a challenge than creating an entirely new sequel though.  Most of what we know (and like) about D4 concerns its theme and aesthetic more than game design.  I’m hoping for the best, but not holding my breath.

Blizzard is dead.  We’ve got Activision Blizzard now.  Most of the people who forged the games we loved have left the company, and the people running the show now are there to cash in what ever the Blizzard brand is worth- they aren’t people who joined the industry because they had a passion for making great games.

Amen. I’m not 100% thrilled with how this remake turned out either, but I’m far from being angry about it. One of the most popular threads on the official message board right now is someone sharing legal articles about how to sue for false advertising, and where to get free legal consultation. I mean, come on. Only

War3 was one of my favorite games of all time, and I was super hyped when they announced the remake. I’ve been playing the beta (I’m more interested in the multiplayer than the campaign), and I’d say I’d rate my satisfaction level 4/10. I’m not angry, I don’t want a refund, but I haven’t experienced the same

Wishing you two good luck on the journeys ahead of you!

I replied to this article earlier, but it took me a day of reflection to really put my frustrations into words. I hope this comes off as communicative and not argumentative, as I respect the positions of those who’s opinions were expressed in the article.

First off, I love Kotaku. I particularly like your coverage of equality issues and discrimination. Now that I’ve distanced myself from the kind of reactionary hatred that your articles tend to attract: I do think the sentiments in this article are overblown.

Me: Look, I’m going to eat salad and be healthy for gosh darn once.

Many did not.  Don’t make the mistake of thinking that there’s a sign on the front door warning women that they’re signing up to be mistreated and discriminated against.

Honestly don’t get what all the hate is about the ad. 90% of ads are worse than this.

I just can’t fathom what this company is thinking. They take a popular single player IP, make it multiplayer, then want to charge you the price of 2 AAA titles annually to play single player* again.

Now playing

This guy claims its an efficient way to run for people with a weapon strapped to their side

I also am pretty proud of owning those original exclusive pets, even though I haven’t played in years. I remember early in the burning crusade days there was a bug that would let you continously summon a pet over and over, until a swarm was following you.