I played it at PAX as well. I thought it was fun, but not Triple-A-Pricetag-Fun. I anticipate this having a multiplayer life similar to a game like Titanfall 2. You’ll play it for a week, then move on to a different game.
I played it at PAX as well. I thought it was fun, but not Triple-A-Pricetag-Fun. I anticipate this having a multiplayer life similar to a game like Titanfall 2. You’ll play it for a week, then move on to a different game.
“I am ignorant of this word, and given my knowledge is absolute, no one uses this word”
Lets break down your argument, my response in brackets.
A couple of months ago, the anti-Epic argument consisted of saying “Epic doesn’t have feature X!” and dismissing the fact that developers get a larger cut of profits from epic by saying “Well, in some cases outside of the US you can’t use a credit card so you have to use other payment methods that charge a fee, so I…
I assume you’re real fun at parties.
I feel like the umbrella term of “mental illness” is too large and vague of a category for it to be a representation of any one with a specific illness. If they had said “Sigma has autism, now he’s a villain”, I would agree with the criticism. Instead, it seems like he’s being portrayed as having something…
I imagine this will cause an escalation in cheating tactics, which hopefully will only penalize the cheating population.
This seems fairly short-sighted to me. Provided that Blizzard can accurately and consistently detect which single player is the one actually cheating, sure, this system will eventually weed them out. But the introduction of a system that effects EVERYONE in the game implies they *DON’T* have the capacity to do…
My main criticism of the levels I’ve played are the Multiplayer versus courses. Sometimes the levels don’t don the “Multiplayer Versus” tag, so I can’t blame the course designer in that case, but of the ones that do it seems like people don’t have a good idea of what makes for a good competitive level. Most of the…
Agreed. If only 100 people in the world smoked cigarettes, we probably wouldn’t have the regulations on tobacco that we have today, but that wouldn’t mean one could make the argument “there’s no regulations against cigarettes, therefore cigarettes are not a bad thing”. Loot boxes have just reached the tipping point…
Their argument seems easily counterable: “Dealing cards, pulling slot machines, spinning roulette wheels- all surprise mechanics! I guess actual gambling is off the hook now, too”
Wait, what? Overwatch 2? Maybe I’m just used to the league of legends model of perpetual new content being added, but it never occurred to me that we might see an Overwatch 2 in the next several years. I consider Overwatch a great game- a great game I have zero interest in launching. To me, it’s biggest fault is that…
Is there a video of what these animations looked like somewhere? A friend and I were just questioning each other about what these “finishers” actually looked like/did, being unaware they were disabled.
I’m a 3D environment artist, and I enjoy this game. Actually my primary reason for purchasing it was to explore and appreciate the environments, as it is a kind of study for me and my craft. The environments in the game are just incredible, and jam packed with unique content that often doesn’t repeat elsewhere in…
Outrage culture. First world problems. Entitlement.
Why do you suppose developers are so readily accepting such an agreement if Steam is such a good option for them?
I’ve used the metaphor that this outrage over the epic store is like refusing to by an album from your favorite musician from anywhere but Walmart.
Umm, those weren’t his points at all. Nice strawman.
Back in the Xbox 360 era, I was pretty good at the Naruto fighting game “Broken Bond”. I was maybe around 100th place on the leader boards, but would routinely get matched up against people in the top 10- their skill was on another level compared to me.