
Paper always feels as though scissors is cheating.  That’s what I always say when I’m playing a competitive game with a large character roster and someone accuses me of playing underhanded, when in reality I just heavily countered them.   If any one is to blame, it’s the game’s designers who implemented systems that

This begs the question: Won’t the trolls that previously shot teammates intentionally just resort to jumping in front of friendly fire and hit “punish teammate” instead?   I suspect this design change merely swept the problem under the rug and won’t really change much.

*Takes off my  google glasses and leans in closer, showing my deep interest*

The confusing thing about this bug is that when you’re playing the game for the first time and it doesn’t work, you feel like you did something wrong and that’s why it didn’t work.  “Was I supposed to hold E?” “Do I need to be aiming down sites when I choose my targets, but not aiming down sites when I deploy it?” 

When Fallout 4 introduced settlements, the entire time I played it all I could think was “I hope Fallout 5 has multiplayer...”. All I wanted to do was build a shared base with friends. One friend of mine, for example, has zero interest in questing and can only be motivated to leave his settlement when he needs

I’ve felt that the complaint of “this game has no npc’s!” has always been a red herring. Being anchored to a zombie-eyed npc as it drones on to you about a quest you may not be interested in isn’t inherently *more* fun than listening to a holotape. At least with the holotapes you can move around and get on with what

I consider myself one of the holdouts who really tried my darndest to enjoy this game, despite every one I know + media bashing it for it’s faults. I’ve got around ~150 hours into it, and I just ran out of steam. I haven’t played in a few weeks and now it’s really difficult to find the motivation to log in. I would

I just wish they wouldn’t all adopt many of the same ridiculous conventions as if they are necessary facets to the genre. Namely, a magical glowing circle that closes in on you, and jumping out of an aircraft and landing on an island.  Where is it written that the genre can’t exist without this?

I disagree. Those abilities you mention that are powerful in the final circle are proportionally weaker in the earlier phases of the game where there’s no tight places to use them. By making it to the final circles with that character I think they deserve some late game strength.

For me, I stopped playing because I felt the game lacked variety. Let’s compare it to League of Legends, another game with a large character roster. At 143 characters, the permutations of possible combinations of team comps is larger than I know how to calculate- and every game feels a little bit different. I can play

I only skipped through the video randomly, but nearly every moment I jumped to he was pulling the blindfold off, so I’m left wondering how that’s a feat?

I think Bethesda didn’t have focus when they designed this PvP system, I’m not sure who they were trying to please. Most of the PvP design seems to adhere to the “we don’t want players who aren’t interested in PvP to get hurt”..... so why bother making a multiplayer game? This isn’t My Little Pony, it’s Fallout.  I

I would disagree with the statement about the game being “unfinished”, I think it is “complete”, but the design is just not fun.

I was the lone holdout among my friends that still believed this game could offer something.  I had the day off from work on launch day, so I sat down and played for a while.  After a 2-3 hour play session I took a break..  After that break was over I found myself questioning if I even wanted to log back in.  There’s

The outrage over this has been driving me crazy for the last 24 hours. I feel ashamed to be a part of this generation of gamers, it’s the most entitled attitude I’ve ever seen.

Ever since they introduced this feature I’ve refused to log in. To me, it’s just a nod from the developers to alpha-gamers saying its alright to discriminate against Player X for Reason Y.

I don’t know about this. It reeks of entitlement to me. You don’t like what you get paid to do ____? Ok, then don’t. Problem solved.

Sad about the changes. In competitive games with large character rosters, I’ve always gravitated to the underdogs that are largely shunned by the community. I like the challenge of honing my skills at someone that was largely considered ‘unplayable’. With symmetra I maintained a 65-70% winrate every season, and she

For a long time I’ve wished that that people’s online behavior could be reported not to the developer, but to the user’s family. You’re 40 and and harassing someone in a video game? Let’s see what your 70 year old mother thinks about the way you treat strangers...

I remember back in the early days of WoW I used to listen to a popular WoW podcast. Total Biscuit operated a network of wow-themed podcasts, and this was one of them.