
If watching objectionable behavior on a screen is creating objectionable behavior in reality, shouldn’t Trump stay off of TV entirely?

As a white person (talking about myself, don’t know your ethnicity), it’s easy to assume that an attempt at humor is harmless, when you’re not the subject that’s being parodied. But if you come from a minority, and you’re used to seeing your culture or heritage or ethnicity or what ever being misrepresented more often

Jimmy is a great guy, I know him personally. The Doc is clearly the clueless one on this matter, and he’s lost any respect I might have had for him.

I have a friend who one-tricks D.Va. She doesn’t play very often, and not very competitively, but it’s the only charcater she likes, so she plays it. No one gives her crap for it, because D.Va is generally regarded as decent character to play. So as I see it, the only different between my friend, one of the happiest

I agree with this guy 1000%. After playing 100s of games with voice chat, I can confidently declare that it doesn’t raise my win rate in the slightest, but it most definitely raises my blood pressure. People always think that their own sage advice is what is needed to pull the team through, but in reality the average

I’d like to see something similar to Mystery Heroes, but rather it would pick from a pool of each players LEAST played heroes. Sure that Mcree player with 1000 hours is good with Mcree, but an interesting test of skill would be to pit players against eachother on their least practiced characters. I’d be much more

At the start of the current ranked season, I decided to pursue the answer to a question that was bothering me for some time: Am I ACTUALLY good at the characters I prefer to play? I get a lot of crap from people wanting me to pick other heroes that conform to the popular representation of what the meta is, but frankly

I can accomplish an equally impressive achievement by scribbling “You win” on a used kleenex and then sticking it to the screen, all in under 20 seconds.

Someone in a game once threatened to swat me. They knew my name somehow (google i guess?) and claimed to have my address. I called their bluff and asked him to prove he knew my address, but he refused, saying he didn’t want to get banned from the game for posting that info.

Sadly, I fear stories like this will embolden internet kids into swatting more, not less. I’ve had someone threaten to swat me before (the guy either didn’t do it, or had the wrong person’s info), and I’m sure that it was fully his intent to be as threatening as possible. Having some validity behind the possibility of

The problem is that teams jump to that conclusion (someone is ruining the game) before the game has even started.

I absolutely fucking hate this mentality, in Overwatch and in other competitive games. These communities have fostered this mindset that “teamwork” = following what ever command the bossiest players inflict upon their pickup groups.