I hear them combined sometimes. It does grate, a bit.
I hear them combined sometimes. It does grate, a bit.
Gradients everywhere. Good luck getting that flag made, chaps!
That’s cool. What do you do to stay healthy?
This doesn’t count. “I go for runs in rainforests” invalidates the sentiment that you don’t have to try. You’re just doing something you love so you don’t notice it.
This actually wasn't too bad of a read and seems like a really well-written, well-researched article.
I tried maca for a while and saw no benefits. What do you get from it?
This looks quite a bit like a flash game from several years back — down to the tan colored pixel art and everything.
Anyone play that? You had one huge main cannon you controlled with the mouse? Lots of battles with space pirates?
There's no guarantee that people aren't throwing out cheap particle board/laminated furniture from IKEA, Target or Walmart on the side of the road — or giving it to thrift shops.
Solid wood furniture is expensive and relying on roadside salvage is going to give your house an ad hoc appearance I think.
I'm stalling... but I've also been lifting 5x5 about twice a week, with some assistance stuff here and there.
The lifts are going up so would it be better to just kind of... stay the course?
Thank you!
I'm actually running a large-ish deficit — about 25% below TDEE — and this sounds like just the thing to come back around.
Like a cheat day, but with (nobler?) purpose.
I've heard the opposite too — people find they drop a lot of weight after a big night.
But then, yes, the whole "glycogen stores" things rings true to me.
I'm not really sure where else to post this, Dick, but what's your take on the notion of a "carb re-feed"?
It sounds like broscience.
Most: Paper towel holder, Calphalon pans
Least: Espresso Machine
Drink whole milk. It's delicious!
Red onions, objectively, cannot carry a pizza on their own.
You're the worst.
Pepperoni + Jalapeno 4 life.
What about diced jalapeno?
University of Oklahoma or Oklahoma University?
Glutamine? Creatine?
Glutamine especially has helped me with soreness in the past, if I take some post-workout and some the next morning.
False! Or... maybe false. Maybe easy-er, but not easy.