
There is no chance in hell that even 10% of those greasy fucks prayed last night.

Did we do this exercise last time with ZERO effect? =(

I wasn’t aware that the murder of children was a partisan issue. Who knew?

I don’t know if he’s the only one, as I couldn’t bear to look through all of them, but Bill Schuster couldn’t even write his own tweet and only retweeted Trump’s “prayers and condolences.”

Dammit! If you had just mentioned the Hillary e-mails, Benghazi, and “if I had been there with a gun I would have saved the day” I would have had a bingo!

Yes, it’s their job. I made a point of thanking the first responders (who were doing their job) after they took my mother to the hospital in January. As they worked on her, they showed care, skill and competence, and I was grateful they were there. There’s no reason we can’t thank people for doing their job.

I’m a volunteer first responder, and I think I may speak for the majority of us, but we don’t need anyone thanking us. We do what we do because we are passionate about helping people. We don’t do it for the notariety.

Last time I checked the AARP was not trying to buy political backing to make sure that blue hairs

Can we just call them what they are - NRAholes?

See also teaching.

I think he is severely sleep deprived look at those eyes. And Jack Jack is a littoral monster that telaports at whim.

That’s what I was thinking. Was that like an error on someone’s part? Did they take $50 so they could send the NRA a box of dildos? And there’s no one between $2000 and $50??

Right? When you consider the fact that his toddler can teleport and set things on fire, I’m impressed that his hair isn’t falling out in patches.

Does it come complete with friends and family who go ‘You are SOO lucky to have that’ to Elastigirl because that shit got thrown out there overtime my husband changed a diaper and did this shit in public. But did anyone let him know how lucky he was when I did the exact same shit. Yeah. No. Never happened. Got me

That is the look of a sleep deprived person dealing with a toddler. I know it well lol

I laughed out loud when Jack Jack turned into the devil in the first movie, and I STILL laughed out loud when he did it here. Such a beautiful encapsulation of life with a toddler. I’m gonna fucking love this movie.

Mnuchin called this a “tragedy.” Sorry, Secretary, but no. A tornado is a “tragedy.” Faulty wiring that leads to a building catching on fire is a “tragedy.”

Well, if we thank them hard enough, we won’t have to pay them.

The Lord has spoken: