
Even the French see through your pedo bullshit here. While they may not be charging this guy with rape, he’s still be charged with sexual abuse of a child. No child’s curiosity or budding sexual awareness is an excuse for an adult to fool around with a 5th grader.

I would imagine that France doesn’t let children own property and drive cars and enter into legally binding contracts so I respectfully submit that French culture is perfectly able to distinguish between children and adults when it chooses to.

They are not always obviously young, but yes they are plenty of men that get a thrill at the idea of a middle schooler with boobs. Either way it’s ridiculous that “but I thought she was legal!” is an actual defense that can be used in court for cases like this. If “he looked 21” isn’t a legal defense to sell beer to

Cool girls ignore typos. Extra points if you ignore mistakes between “your” and “you’re.”

Commander Riker writes porn?

Also, I’m absolutely shocked that having daughters of his own didn’t magically teach Mohamed not to sexually assault women. Isn’t that what daughters are for?

“...police don’t have the resources or opportunity to go back and check on victims a couple days later,” she added. The lack of immediate visible injuries “interferes with criminal justice approaches,” Sorenson noted, since numerous states require visible injuries “as a criterion for arrest.”

At the risk of diluting the discussion, the one time I’ve ever used my fists in anger was when my stepfather picked me up by the throat and slammed me head-first into the wall while choking me.

If she was 40 it still wouldn’t be appropriate. being under age just makes it extra-inappropriate.

“Countdown to Legal Age” timers have always been creepy, but what’s arguably worse is the fact that once they hit 18, suddenly no one even talks about them anymore. Like, did they actually lose interest in these girls once they became legal - or is it all just a “fun” joke to sexualize underaged girls?

I don’t get it.

I laughed until I realized this means he has children. I wonder if his coworkers can call his kid a “hot piece of ass” or if then it’s suddenly not ok.

Dudes in their 30s should ALWAYS be ashamed to refer to anyone, ever as a “hot little piece of ass”, much less a 17 year old.

i would have been ashamed to say shit like that when I was 18.

what do you expect from a guy who married his own daughter

Patrick: We got our selves another caller on the line. It’s Roy from Bama

Well, I’m sure they didn’t know she was seventeen. Doesn’t excuse the comment whatsoever, it’s an offensive thing to say about anyone of any age, not to mention particularly creepy considering it’s a seventeen, but, again, I’m sure he just didn’t know that she was a mi-

Too easy access to what he did not need and what he did need he cannot get, not in the states anyway.

I also liked “Decontamination in progress.”

Tell us about Tali’s immune system again.
I love hearing about Tali’s immune system, or Wrex’s quads

GIF of my favorite loading screen: