
Here's what I never understood about terraforming, did they plant all the plants? If so, why are there different species on different planets. And if you are terraforming, why make the landscape arid?  Also, is it an attempt to build an ecosystem? If so, did you bring in animals, fungi and bacteria?
Donna does bring up

Here's what I never understood about terraforming, did they plant all the plants? If so, why are there different species on different planets. And if you are terraforming, why make the landscape arid?  Also, is it an attempt to build an ecosystem? If so, did you bring in animals, fungi and bacteria?
Donna does bring up

Do the swashbuckling swordfighting and romantic true love nature of Wesley and Buttercup count as sex and violence?

Do the swashbuckling swordfighting and romantic true love nature of Wesley and Buttercup count as sex and violence?

It's interesting, there must be regional differences in the translation of the acronyms. For me, KISS was Knights in Satan's Service, and AC/DC was Anti-Christ, Devil's Children.

It's interesting, there must be regional differences in the translation of the acronyms. For me, KISS was Knights in Satan's Service, and AC/DC was Anti-Christ, Devil's Children.

What's wrong with Ott? You don't like 15 minute lectures between songs?

What's wrong with Ott? You don't like 15 minute lectures between songs?

One thing that never gets mentioned about Green Day is how good Mike is at Harmonies, and "One for the Razorbacks" is a great example. I'm showing my age, but I haven't seen this band live since 1994. I still think Kerplunk is an awesome record. Back in college, a friend of mine and I would sit around listening to

One thing that never gets mentioned about Green Day is how good Mike is at Harmonies, and "One for the Razorbacks" is a great example. I'm showing my age, but I haven't seen this band live since 1994. I still think Kerplunk is an awesome record. Back in college, a friend of mine and I would sit around listening to

The first time I heard this was before its release. Pearl Jam took over a radio station for a couple of hours, and played the, then demos of this stuff. They also played the demos of Mad Season, and had The Fastbacks in studio to play some songs. Anyways, I thought it was good then and I think it's good now. Grohl was

The first time I heard this was before its release. Pearl Jam took over a radio station for a couple of hours, and played the, then demos of this stuff. They also played the demos of Mad Season, and had The Fastbacks in studio to play some songs. Anyways, I thought it was good then and I think it's good now. Grohl was

Not sure I'd say that Tom Cruise or Matt Dillon have become a virtual unknown yet.

Not sure I'd say that Tom Cruise or Matt Dillon have become a virtual unknown yet.

Since we're comparing Soul Asylum and The Jayhawks…what are people's feelings on Golden Smog?

Since we're comparing Soul Asylum and The Jayhawks…what are people's feelings on Golden Smog?

Holy Shit Heller, you've proved why I could never be a rock critic/interviewer. I would be too star-struck and in awe to properly interview Jimmy Cliff.  It would be like the Chris Farley Show.  This was a nice interview.  

Holy Shit Heller, you've proved why I could never be a rock critic/interviewer. I would be too star-struck and in awe to properly interview Jimmy Cliff.  It would be like the Chris Farley Show.  This was a nice interview.  

I always viewed Mal as someone akin to Robin Hood. He lives by a moral code where you try to help, or at least not hurt, the less fortunate But, he really doesn't care how he treats people with power, whether it's government agents or mobster.

I always viewed Mal as someone akin to Robin Hood. He lives by a moral code where you try to help, or at least not hurt, the less fortunate But, he really doesn't care how he treats people with power, whether it's government agents or mobster.